For your approval, [@Mistress Dizzy] & [@Caits]: [hider=Modlen Christensen][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Modlen Christensen, "Moddy" for short. [u][b]Alias:[/b][/u] None yet, she's working on it. [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 [u][b]Parents:[/b][/u] Lucifer Morningstar (DC), Richard Christensen (a human male) and an unnamed Neyaphem. [u][b]Powers and abilities:[/b][/u] [i]Haemopotent Regeneration[/i] - Modlen can heal and regenerate using blood (with the exception of Cheyarafim blood, like Angel's). The amount of blood decides the speed of healing. [i]Haemokinetic Combat[/i] - She can create weapons from blood.Right now she can only make blunt instruments or blood spears. [i]Insect Manipulation[/i] - Moddy can control and summon insects. Has greatest control over flies, spiders, locusts and grasshoppers. [i]Flight[/i] - She can fly using her wings. [i]Acrobatic[/i] - Moddy is quite a skilled acrobat. While not on the same level as someone like Nightcrawler, she has an incredible sense of balance and isn't easily disorintated. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Modlen is quite introverted and takes to daydreaming when she should be working or focusing on other things. When around others she tends to become quite anxious, especially because of her appearance but also because she's afraid that she's said something dumb or strange. Her anxiety and nervousness tends to manifest as excitement, hyperactivity and uncertainty followed by spells of wallowing in self-doubt, criticism and paranoia over what people think of her. [u][b]Appearance: [/b][/u] Modlen stands at 5'11 and weighs roughly 140lbs. Her ears are pointed, her skin is stone-grey as are her eyes and she suffers from an very obvious case of [url=]pupula duplex[/url]. Her raven hair reaches the small of her back and, curiously enough, she seems to have dark grey freckles dot her nose and shoulders. Protruding from her back are a pair of wings adorned with black feathers and she sports a prehensile tail similar in appearance to Nightcrawler's. All of this is almost certainly due to her parentage, and she bears little resemblance to her human father. While she is quite self-conscious about her demonic appearance, she does still embrace it to a degree and it has helped shape her personality and likes. She listens to metal, industrial and heavier genres of music, but doesn't limit herself to those genres. She also typically wears a combination of black, green, red and purple as well as various heavy metal band shirts, although they're usually cut in the back to let her wings through Moddy typically wears [url=]tabi[/url], mostly because she grew up not wearing shoes very often and they're the only footwear that still allows her to feel the gorund and feel sure of her footing, otherwise she is barefoot as often as possible. She also tends to wear cargo pants. Because if she's flying in a skirt or a dress... well, it doesn't even really need to be said. Plus, pants are easier to modify so she can free her tail. If she [i]is[/i] wearing a dress or a skirt, however, she'll always be wearing a pair of tights underneath, just in case she needs to take off unexpectedly. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Modlen's father was, at the time, what was known as 'hobby heretic', or a satanist for the thrill and attention. He was a member of the Church of Satan, not because he believed in any of it, but he had heard LaVeyan Satanist women were promiscuous. Unfortunately for Richard (or as he liked to be called back then, 'Fuhreek Darksoul'), Lucifer actually discovered one of these Satanist meet-ups and was quite annoyed by the whole affair. He didn't so much mind the others who believed in the freedom of the human spirit and all that, but Lucifer was quite offended by Richard in particular, mostly because that kind of insincere worship of Lucifer just to get what Richard wanted made Lucifer feel like [i]God[/i]. And so Lucifer revealed himself to Richard and made him an offer; His very own Succubus, no strings attatched. Of course Richard jumped at the idea. And quickly found himself posessed by Lucifer and in the Brimstone Dimension, sharing a bed with a Neyaphem woman. Needless to say, Richard found himself back on earth nine months later with a newborn daughter and Lucifer reminding him that he [i]was[/i] known as a deciever after all, and that he would raise their daughter to the best of his abilities. Or he would know. And so 'Fuhreek Darksoul', the edgy eighteen-year old who just wanted to meet girls, suddenly became Richard Christensen, a hard-working single father with a mutant daughter who'd had the fear of [s]God[/s] Lucifer put in him. And that was the man Modlen grew up knowing as her father. A man who worked in IT who had no luck with women because of his mutant daughter and who seemed constantly sad but genuinely loved his little girl. For Modlen however, life wasn't a walk in the park. Not only was she a mutant, but she had the appearance of a winged demon. That bred a very special kind of intolerance, where being called a literal four-eyes was the least of her problems, and as a result she spent much of her time being "Too sick to go to school today". Instead, Modlen received her much of her education from the books she read, websites she visited and educational videos she found on You Tube that interested her. How others regarded and treated Modlen, as well as her fathers constant sadness and her worry that she was a burden upon him led Moddy to develop depression and sometimes ask if she really was a demon, but her father would always tell her that "Everyone has a little bit of the Devil inside them. It's what you do with that part of you that matters." Of course it wasn't until her sixteenth birthday that Moddy learned what that really meant when her father, having learned of the Academy, decided it was the best place for her. It was one thing to grow up thinking you were just a mutant who'd drawn the short end of the stick when it came to appearance, but another thing entirely when you were told that you were literally the child of at least one Satan. Oh, and by the way, you've been signed up for a boarding school, you leave tomorrow. And so, in the wake of that bombshell, Modlen finds herself at the Academy, lost, confused, alone and trying to find out who, and what, she is.[/hider]