[@carla6677] [b]Art[/b] Jyden nodded to her. "Nice to meet you too." With that, he went back to his desk and sat down. [i]I just had to be curious, didn't I?[/i] He normally wasn't like that, he would've asked permission instead. [i][color=red]Curiosity can get you killed or hated.[/color][/i] [i]Shut up, I don't need a lecture.[/i] And now he was back to mentally arguing with his dark side (XD). [hr] [i]Oh gosh, she's a chatterbox, how annoying.[/i] Ethan looked at her. "Go tell that to somebody else." [i]That should do it hopefully.[/i] He sighed and started to wonder if he had [b]ANY[/b] classes by himself. [hr] [b]Music[/b] Price noticed a girl walk over and introduce herself to him. "Hey, Lia. My name is Price." He smiled as he looked at her. He was always very friendly and polite. [hr] [b]Gym[/b] Ace saw someone race up and talk just as much as he would either to himself or others. "Hiya! I'm Ace! Yeah, I noticed that!" He began wagging his tail as he continued. "I was the only one here until you came along! No, I don't! Sorry! I like doughnuts!" He smiled back at her.