[center][h3]■■■■■ (Terror), Shinto Streets[/h3] [@Breo] [@ConstantlyComic][/center] [color=2e2c2c]I'm scared. I'm scared. I'm scared. Why are you here? Why do you have those eyes? Why does this world exist? Why [i]are[/i] you?[/color] As the buzzing of wings grew louder, more of the figure became visible under the moonlit night. A biological impossibility, an insectoid being that, as it came ever-closer, seemed to be no smaller than Siegfried himself. A dull grey exoskeleton that seemed to cover all its body barely glinting beneath the moon, it seemed akin to a beetle in its form, if one were to disregard the fact that it had acquired an almost humanoid gait to it as though it were bipedal. Its legs, thin spines lining along each of them atop the shell that encased it, tapered off into claws that had been tightly balled up in a manner akin to fists. [color=2e2c2c]Why, why, why, why, why, I'm scared, I have to hunt, I want to live, I want to live, kill you kill you so that I can live kill and deny all hatred leave leave leave leave leave go away disappear into nothingness fall into nothingness condense amidst nothingness become naught under nothingness and [b]gO AWAy aND lEt ME LiVE----------[/b][/color] The speed of its approach was certainly within the realm of Servants, something that a mere human couldn't hope to match with the frailty of their body. The insect began to retract its limbs as it approached Siegfried, legs seeming to fold within its body and turning it into a star falling from heaven. Or rather, perhaps a descending cannonball would be a more apt comparison. ...In this world, a Servant should be something unmatchable. Nonetheless, there are exceptions to every rule. Such as, those freaks like the Magician who has hastened the end of the world, a human who is capable of fighting Servants. Such as, those forgotten beasts lurking in a texture of reality below this one, fantastical existences that stand above even a Servant in raw power. Such as, the being that had appeared before Siegfried. Something that was certainly not a Phantasmal Race, but felt akin to an imitation of it. [sub]Holy Grail[/sub] Something that spoke out to his nature as Siegfried. Yes, for in this world, there exists that boy who can materialize the wishes of mankind, granting them a form. A wishgranter who creates illusions. A wishgranter who creates demons. If the evil dragon was a being that provoked terror, then this was a being kneaded from terror, from the desire to escape it, from a prayer that stretched out to the end of the world. In that sense, it was only rational that the one who carried the evil dragon's blood and the one who denied the premise of that very dragon would meet. Imaginary demon. Materialized wish. Biological curse. Sixth Imaginary Aspect. On the first night of the Holy Grail War, such a being descended upon he who had slain a dragon, falling from the sky to assault the Servant with nothing more than its own body.