Ryuko was working away at her computer, presumably answering business inquiries. It was a beautiful Summer morning, the sun shining through the huge glass window to the right of where the woman was working and enjoying a cup of her favorite dark roast coffee. Today was the day she started sending out escorts to the lucky duelists she had picked to participate in a tournament of her orchestration, the grand prize being a whopping $1,000,000. To just about any normal human being her age, the cash would be a huge deal. For her, however, it was pocket change. She had plenty more stacks of cash to go around, just one of the perks of owning a card manufacturing company in the same vein as Industrial Illusions years and years before it. A dark-haired man wearing a business suit and sunglasses entered the room and asked "Miss Tsukinazo, are you ready to send out the escorts and boat?" Her gaze not shifting from her work, Ryuko responded with "Yes. I'm sending them notifications as we speak. They'll be ready to leave the island and bring back the contestants shortly." The man nodded. "Understood, ma'am," he said as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Ryuko smiled as she began to think of the fast-approaching tournament. She had her reasons for hosting the event, but they were confidential to even her staff members. They would learn of her plans once the whole thing came to its conclusion, or at least close to it. For now, though, the woman was left to her own devices, whatever that may entail.