[b][u]Maths[/u][/b] [@Dealdric] She woke up and jumped up as a fox before transforming into her normal self again. "I don't have a class until 3rd lesson so I have some spare time so I went asleep I don't have many students so there is not much to do" she said honestly as she smiled at him gently before looking over her material like he suggested. [b][u]Art[/u][/b] [@Letmehaveone2] "But I don't want to talk to them, I want to talk to you, why should I talk to someone I don't want to talk to when I would much rather prefer talking to you" she asked honestly as she smiled to him. Her eyes were bright and questioning as she looked up at him. Even when sitting in a seat, she was absolutely tiny that she had to fly up to sit on the seat. Ali crossed her arms and looked at him with a glare. Cal went back to sketching as she was singing the la la la song and her eyes were red but the song wasn't working that well as she ended up putting her head on the table and clapping her hands over her ears. She was never used to being around so many people and her other side was going into overdrive in her head, telling her to kill them. [b][u]Gym[/u][/b] Cindy smiled at Ace. "It is ok, I just left my stock at home, I will have to buy some soon" She admitted. "I just love those things, I just can't believe I forgot my supply when coming here, I will have to pop to a shop nearby, I hope there is one, I can't live without my apples and my sugar cubes, well it is nice to meet you Ace" [b][u]Music[/u][/b] Ash stayed at the back, writing her song quietly, hoping no one would come over to her as she liked being alone and having the peace to write her songs without anyone disturbing her at all. She smiled gently as she felt at peace and she felt happy at that moment while writing her music. Lia smiled brightly at Price. "It is nice to meet you Price," She smiled brightly to him and she was kinda happy and she was hoping to make a friend as she looked at him brightly. Kenna walked into Music late and she didn't even apologize, she just walked past the teacher and surveyed the room before walking over to the 2 people at the back. "Everyone here are losers, you seem just less like a loser than the others, but you girl, you are one of the biggest losers I have ever seen, so what do people call you two around here" she said in almost a mocking tone. Lia glared at her. "I am Lia and you are" She asked, not being polite as she wasn't polite to her at all. She crossed her arms and glared at the girl. "Waiting for the guy's response first loser, hoping my roomie is not too much of a loser Co Ed 20, but judging by what I have seen of this place it is already full of massive losers and idiots" she commented in her usual way [b][u]Science[/u][/b] Aria went back to studying her books quietly by herself as she kept reading ahead while smiling a closed mouth smile, she loved learning and she took down notes from the book as she read along through the book. Lyra looked at them. "Well Larry, how much of the lesson did you miss, as you can see I just got here a few minutes ago as I was running late to school, that is unusual of me I guess I just got caught up today to be honest" [b][u]Psychology[/u][/b] Luna ran into the class before apologizing to the teacher quickly and going to sit at the back while glaring at the other girl who was walking in right at that very moment as she crossed her arms and payed close attention to the girl. Keke didn't say anything to the teacher as she walked casually into class and sat on the opposite side, as far away from Luna as possible as she glared at the girl and rolled her eyes, hoping this class wouldn't be as boring as it sounds as she yawned at the idea of a class this boring.