[center][h1][Color=DF0101]Haakon J. Elvsgaard[/color][/h1] [img]http://www.jerryjazzmusician.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/bix1.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=DF0101]Location:[/color]Grand Continetal Hotel [/center][hr] Associate. His associate. Well, it was an improvement from earlier on when he was simply being ignored. Then again what else could the honourable British Lord Major do when they were standing a mere few meters away from each other around Sgt. Walsh? Haakon didn't complain, however, and did his best to send a friendly smile towards the elder Keystone. Beside, he had after all come to inspect on them with an armed escort, so Haakon wouldn't dislike him for not caring at least. It didn't take long for them to reach their destination; the now infamous door of intruige, deadly romance, dashing adventures and secrets. That and many more titles that Haakon had seen printed on the largest newspapers in the world over the years. Same titles, same substance, yet deeply fascinating as always. As Aziza opened the door and let the men inside, Haakon stepped over to Josephine, resting his hand gently on her shoulder. [Color=DF0101]"Are you alright, Jo? Nothing else noteworthy happen while we were gone?"[/color] He asked, his voice filled with concern for his friend - and Aziza of course, he couldn't imagine how she must have been feeling right now. Which was why, when she looked at him amongst the others in the room, he forced a confident smile on his face and adressed her. [Color=DF0101]"Everything is as well as they can be as of now, Miss Tarek. The honorable Lord-Mayor and Mr. Keystone arrived just as we handed over the filty of a man to the local authorities. He was taken away, and he's in no position to escape the long arm of the law now, trust me. The Lord-Mayor thankfully brought with him suitable protection, so this hotel is as safe as possible. But how are you, Miss Tarek? Are you faring better?"[/color]