Zeke took stock of the teammates that were left around him playing defense. One little girl that couldn't have been older than 12 at most, one little boy about the same age dressed like a panda carrying around swords (right, of course, what else would he carry around) and a perfectly normal looking girl of about his age. Who talked about powers and making them stronger. Right, powers. He had no powers! All he did was punch people! By some miracle, he didn't openly shout this out but he did clench his fists and grind his teeth. Only a little. He was starting to come to terms with the fact that he was dead and his afterlife was anime as fuck. "Right, Musashi, I'm Ezekiel but you can call me Zeke. No need for the oss stuff we're not at a dojo or anything", he said to the boy who waved at him kinda absent-mindedly. It wasn't uncommon for people to notice he wasn't exactly a regular person, even before he started training in earnest he always had that look about him, and talking martial arts gave him some of his swagger back. "Yeah, eight years training in practical karate but nevermind that. Look kid, you really shouldn't go about carrying swords n whatnot, that's dangerous for you and others, you could get in trouble with the police", he trailed off, noticing he was being adressed by the other girl, Rumi. "No I'm not okay this whole thing's messed up. Why does this kid have swords? Why does everyone have a weapon? Why is this place putting some primary school girl up against people our age?" he pointed over at Terri, who to his surprise at least seemed to have a solid stance down. A good stance is the foundation from where you work your offense and defense, or so he had been drilled many, many times. "This shit just don't make sense. I've been to juvie and it wasn't this bad, kids had to hide their sharp shit there". He stopped once more, taking a long, deep breath and exhaling forcefully to clear his head. "And all that talk about powers or whatever. There's some cult shit going on here or I've lost my damn mind or I died and this is some crazy dying daydream or a really weird afterlife". Before he could go on with his rant, however, the one girl that was trying to get into a fight with the other kid with a sword walked up to them with footprints on her chest and asking for a plan. Hadn't she run off real fast before? "I don't have to plan nothing. I've a headache and I'm upset and my plan is to sit here and take it out on whoever gets near. You want a plan? You keep running for their flag fast as you can and don't get hit when you do". [@CondorTalon] [@Dblade26] [@tipssyCalibrator]