[hr][center][h2][color=00aeef]Jonathan Walker[/color][/h2][/center][hr] In two short minutes, Jonathan had witnessed more personality pouring out of Mina than he had in the past year -- from the unusual openness to the sudden petty competitiveness. It wasn't like she had much to worry from him in terms of grades, since while he consistently had made it into the top five, he wasn't good enough in areas outside of physics and fighting to come anywhere near her, Ryuuto, Jun-Sang, or Hondo on test scores, and he was certain that she knew that. Which meant that her shell was cracking when she snapped at him. He opted not to reply at first and merely continued scribbling notes with his signature shit-eating grin on his face when something [i]completely[/i] unexpected caught him off guard. Was she [i]laughing[/i]? Woah. That's new. A quick glance around the field revealed that her mid-gigglefit observation was indeed correct. There wasn't a single upperclassman who wasn't observing and probably taking notes, which on its own was only a bit amusing, but what sealed it was the resurgent giggle fit. Jonathan caught the laugh-bug and found himself giggling like an idiot right alongside her. He managed to catch himself for a moment and respond. [color=00aeef]"I think we're all taking after Doctor Maxwell now -- PFFFFT."[/color] The laughing started again. At least his ribs weren't broken, or this would [i]really[/i] hurt. [@Silver Carrot] [hr][center][h2][color=f26522]Brock Van de Vate[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Brock had made it most of the way across the field uninterrupted somehow. Was the other team just too busy to bother with him? Ho-lee-shit. At least his own team seemed competent, judging by the boy he'd missed on roll-call earlier throwing himself at swordy. He quickly stepped past Yasu, intent on not distracting her from dealing with Sumiko, and made a short comment to her on the way past. [color=f26522]"I'm moving up to probe their defenses. We can go on offense after."[/color] The cudgel had dried into a solid brick of newspapery wood from his ever-rising body heat, and was effectively being baked the whole time. It was ready for real action and wasn't likely to fall apart at the first swing anymore, so when Brock was finished frosting over a strip of grass covering his side of the field, he turned and started running directly toward the other team's flag. He was glowing brightly, and air shimmered around his exposed skin. It'd take a little while before he got anywhere near the flag, but the other team looked like they were a little bit [i]too[/i] comfortable, and he intended to break that up. [@CondorTalon][@Mercurial][@VitaVitaAR][@tipssyCalibrator][@clanjos][@Dblade26][@Zero Hex]