New and updated! Name: Ken Meseeks Age: 29 years old Gender: Male Appearance: Ken is 5'11" 175 lbs., black hair with white streaks growing out of the right side of his head. Full beard, black, brown eyes, lean build. He is half Japanese half German, has slightly slanted eyes, narrow face, and yellowish tanned skin. Health: 21 (15 +2 Str., +4 End.) S - 2 P - 6 E - 2 C - 7 I - 10 A - 7 L - 6 Starting Perks: Science, Repair, Energy Weapons Personality: Ken is outgoing, drunk most of the time, humorous and a little bit insane. But in a world that they now live in, he feels that his mindset is perfect for these conditions. He is smart and likes to fool around with technology whenever he can get his hands on it. History: Ken was born in the vault to a loving mother and father who were scientists assigned to keep finding ways to keep the vault operating properly as well as finding ways to repair the earth once the vaults were open. Ken as a child would dream of the outside world always asking questions about their history. He was noticed early for his intelligence and was put on the track to be like his parents. This type of training would continue until he was an adult where he was able to work under his parents, he followed in their footsteps so that in the future humanity might have a chance to survive, but as time went on in the vault he began to drink lots of alcohol because he began to find the work boring and not stimulating enough and the alcohol made it exciting, fun and tolerable. His parents were beginning to get concerned but luckily for him he was still able to function as a good scientist so the rest of the vault residents didn't pay any mind, and his drinking problem wasn't ever brought up as an issue. Through the constant time in the vault and dealing with boredom, had started to make him a bit mad, his experiments began to scare the rest of the people in the vault, he would repair robots but tweak them a little to start malfunctioning in weird ways such as claiming fire hazards where there was none and do so at random times, the computer systems within the vault would constantly be tampered with setting off false alarms such as intruder alerts. They would all be panicking and he would be laughing hysterically as if it was a joke. His drinking problem also became very apparent as he was always seen with a bottle, whether it be beer or spirits. His thoughts were all focused on leaving the vault, he would leave without hesitation because he felt that life out there had to be more exciting than in the vault, he wanted new excitement. And if it didn't happen soon he planned on making it happen...