[@Rai][@Vesuvius00] Suleykaar shook his head. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm an Crimson dragon, a red dragon. We are know to be massive and powerful and very territorial. I'm a bit of a contradiction to the myths of our kind. There are a ton of dragons and all of different sizes and colors and shapes. When I was young, I once met a dragon three times as big as me and I am a big dragon, young and still growing. But yes, he is my brother, anyone who is dragon or of dragon descent is a brother or sister of mine. It's...It's hard to explain. It's just something I say. the older dragons, real dragons, used to say that to each other. It was to remind us that we are equal...."[/color] When Alexis said what she did about her short life and Velai brought up her thoughts, Suley narrowed his eyes slightly. [color=9e0b0f]"It really is a lonely path..."[/color] He sighed as took a sip, only to glance up in time to see the sensual interactions between Alexi and Velai, causing him to choke on his drink, snacking his chest in an attempt to clear his throat. A wide grin crossed his mouth as he settled down and leaned in towards Alexis, his eyes glowing a dim gold. His voice smoothed out and held a low bass that rumbled, seductive even as the grin faded into a smirk with hungry eyes. [color=9e0b0f]Soooo, Alexis. IIIIII was thinking. What if you, Velai when she's done work and I, have a little fun? So far we seem to be enjoying each other's company, some simple conversation...I think it would be fitting if we got to know a little more about each other on a more intimate level. They say that a dragon is good for your health. Energizes the body, clears the mind, cleanses the soul and-"[/color] He leaned further so his breath rolled off her neck, the vibrations of his voice reverberating off her naked skin. [color=9e0b0f]"Offers euphoria that only the gods claim to know. What do you say Alexissssss."[/color] He leaned away to look into her eyes and awaited an answer. [hr] [@Sohtem] Soron listened to Ava chastise him for his actions, raising his glass to hide the smirk on his face but all the while taking in her posture and movements. Raised tone of voice, slightly dilated eyes, clenched jaw and heavy sarcasm directed towards him. She was easy to figure out and had an idea of how to handle her should she attempt anything. This hybrid woman was either the other's sister, slave or lover or any two of the three. The seraphim however, she was harder to read as not much movement was noticed, say for the times she would hold her hand up to silence the other. A little bit tense from the embarrassment that was her sister but not much else. Her posture was relaxed but in a way ridged, meaning she was a fighter meaning she might have even trained the other in some form of combat or defensive style. Serena finally introduced herself and her sister Ava, to which he nodded before placing the drink down and leaning back in his chair, before glancing at the both of them with a nod. [color=slategray]"Soron Dragonbane, I'm here with my friend Suleykaar over ther-..."[/color] He begun to introduce himself and his compadre until he looked over and noticed what he was doing, in response he rubbed his temples before turning back to the two. [color=slategray]"Anyway...You're right, it was rude of me to sit down uninvited but-"[/color] He glanced over at Ava with narrow eyes. His body was still but if one looked carefully he was ready to defend or strike if need be. Serena's sister seemed unstable so his defense was up. [color=slategray]"It is equally rude to eavesdrop on others' conversations so in that area I see we are even. As for hitting on your sister Ava, I think she is more than capable of handling someone like me without you getting in the way. Plus I heard it costs extra for sisters anyway..."[/color] His eyes squinted slightly before he returned a more relaxed gaze to Serena. [color=slategray]"My apologies...But to what you heard, yes. Apparently the boarders have been attacked, but mostly at night. Some of us have suggested that King Sleeth of Nero is up to it but my friend Suls believes there is much more to it. Possibly a isolated group of some sort. We've decided to stay the night here at the inn and watch over it and Sunfire in case there is another attack. But seeing as how you were listening in maybe you could assist us. Suleykaar and myself already sent a message to King Magnix in the hopes he may send some assistance or at least some men to guard Sunfire for a bit."[/color]