[h2]Musashi Sakai[/h2] Well, this Zeke guy seemed pretty nice, but maybe a little bit silly? "You take the dojo with you after you leave it, though. I have swords because I have enough training to know what to do with them. Also, you wouldn't want me to face crazy guys with swords unarmed, right? I mean, I might be really, really, [i]really[/i] good, but I'm also in the 'under twelve' category, y'know? Musashi tilted his head as Zeke got pretty upset about all the unusual stuff. But they were at a superhero school for magic people, right? Weirdness was normal here. "Does it matter too much? I mean, you're here now. But I guess maybe you could be crazy or dead but I dunno what that'd mean about me. I never thought about if I was somebody else's mind-ghost or anything!" Any further thought on the subject was interrupted by a sight Musashi didn't need superhuman vision to see. Specifically a guy charging right for the flag while glowing and shimmering. As far as Musashi could tell, the older, glowy boy's skin was the source of the heat so fighting him at grappling distance would be a bad idea. Fortunately that had never been his plan! Musashi threw the shuriken he'd slipped up his sleeve, aiming for the glowy boy's weapon hand, then following up with two more aimed at trying to strike each of his feet. They shouldn't cut very much at this distance, but he was confident in his ability to maintain accuracy at high speed against a moving target with enough force to inconvenience. That said, the others might not notice he was radiating heat, and nobody seemed to know what to do. Well, he at least had some basic idea of how to fight, might as well try taking charge. "Rumi, I'm gonna need your power. This guy seems dangerous and I might need to make harder shots from long range. Fast girl, do hit-and-run attacks on the people engaging our other offensive fighters, but keep moving. Clotheslines, superman punches, sliding tackles I guess. Wrestle-girl, Zeke, don't let this guy touch you. He's dangerous up close. Ignore my advice if you like though." [@Azereiah] [@Zero Hex] [@Clanjos] [@tipssycalibrator] [@CondorTalon]