[hr][center][h2][color=f26522]Brock Van de Vate[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Three stars came hurtling towards Brock out of the huddled group near the flag. He didn't see any of them, but he certainly felt them. [b]Thuck.[/b] The first had buried itself a centimeter in the end of Brock's Millwall Brick. [b]Thump, thump.[/b] God [i]damn[/i] that hurt! It was like getting punched in the legs! The first star bounced off of Brock's shin as his leg swung forwards, followed by the second hitting him in the top of his following foot, sending him stumbling. He didn't fall, but when he finally caught his balance, he stood there with his arms wide and with the biggest 'what the fuck, man?' look on his face he could manage. Then he turned his free hand over and flipped Panda Boy off. After shaking the shuriken off of his cudgel, Brock started his run again, slightly slower. So Panda Boy was a ninja. He'd have to keep an eye on him - catching a star to the face would be really, really unpleasant. The impact points on his shin and his foot would definitely be bruised later too. [@CondorTalon][@Zero Hex][@Clanjos][@tipssyCalibrator][@Dblade26]