[quote=@BurningCold] [@Lmpkio] I think I remember you from a mecha rp a while back, good to see you again. I may make a character if I can hit a good stride. Question time? What sorts of limitations are being placed on the tech, armor, and weapons available to us? Is there going to be any sort of overarching plot or is this RP focused on contract by contract stories alone? If I play as an alien, do they have to be essentially the same as humans in terms of combat effectiveness, or are useful biological functions allowed to a certain degree? [/quote] If its the first one I've ever been on on this site like 2 years ago, than yes lol good to see you again. Well the tech is rather advanced, we're talking about laser weapons, hovercraft, and spaceships as big as capital ships. Holograms are a thing, basically think of Destiny, but less fantasy and more realism. There is something in mind down the line, but otherwise for now it will be based off simple hunting quest arcs. Define what you mean. You can make the alien as unique as you want you know?