[hider=Zavid] [center][img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/092/535/large/david-giraud-860194-10151530834284175-158341547-o.jpg?1443927655[/img][/center] [center][color=9e0b0f]Name[/color]:[/center] [center]Zavid Nightblade[/center] [center][color=9e0b0f]Species[/color]:[/center] [center]Primus Sapiens. Geneticaly Modified human[/center] [center][color=9e0b0f]Age[/color]:[/center] [center]29[/center] [center][color=9e0b0f]Gender[/color]:[/center] [center]Male[/center] [center][color=9e0b0f]Height[/color]:[/center] [center]6'5[/center] [center][color=9e0b0f]Weight[/color]:[/center] [center]130 kg[/center] [center][color=9e0b0f]Personality[/color]:[/center] [center]Calculative~Bold~Honest~Stoic~Charismatic Zavid is a calm tactician. He values honesty and loyalty, which is rare in his line of work. He aims to exceed expectations and to break down barriers he faces as he isn't a born human. Zavid is a smooth talker, knowing several languages and weilds a golden tongue. He may not be the frontline fighter, but none his guts. He's a bounty hunter dating a high ranking officer of the very organization against them... He's got to have some crazy in him too, as most don't see the fun in chasing "monsters". Zavid is an active defender, seeking to help others and serve the good of the people any way he can. When stressed he's often found retreating into himself, as he didn't grow up in normal society, and doesn't exactly do well when angry, which leads to him drinking.[/center] [center][color=9e0b0f]History[/color]:[/center] [center] [hider=Clearance Neded] Icarus Project: Clearance Level 9, UNFC Goal: The Icarus Project was a trial to see whether or not one could create the Perfect human. Result: Mass failure. Primus Sapiens are relatively unstable, having chemical imbalance and psychological disorders. Trial: Conducted on Zecrux Prime, in the Milky Way Galaxy, Sector Omega. Total Number of Subjects equaled 3000 at start. All, gen-modded from conception. Trial was 25 years long. 25 years of tests, of needle poking flesh, and of children who never knew what it was like to love. Unlike the Giantis Sapiens, this test was cruel, sadistic and inhumane. There were no names goven to the subjects. They weren't deemed as equal in the human subspecies. They were cattle. To be jsed for testing and creating a weapon capable of tearing down armies. There was no love given to them, so they grew up without it. The first test group was a failure. Too violent for their own good and were put down. The second, well, the second went the same way, but took out some scientists with them. The Infamous Doctor Icarus refused to stop, creating a third group. To the ones doing well, he cherished, gave them treats. Let them outside the lab to see the sun. Unlike the other humans, Primus Sapiens could handle the intense gravity of Zencrux with ease. With it's double moons and blue star sun, the planet was lush with life... But the lab only knew death. An accident saw Icarus killed. Some say it was sabotage, others say suicide, when he realized what he'd become. The project continued, only lead by an even more evil man... Doctor Eisenhower. He wanted weapons. So he turned these young teens into a fighting force. Primus are capable of many feats humans cannot do, being faster and stronger due to the environment they were created in, and the gene edits that were dome to them. Many had "damage" and were destroyed. They say that it was because some subjects developed mental illness and Eisenhower wouldn't tolerate it. There were a few that stood out among the rest. Subject 233, 257, 859, 860, and 1000. These five formed a close bond. When put together, they excelled in everything. Eisenhower took them and did separate tests, to see if he could do his next step: Integrate them with technology. But it wouldn't happen. The Federation had gotten word of the project and swarmed in force with their own gene-mods, the Giantis. These humans were titans of flesh and used powerful mechs. They took control of the base and started to looknthrough the files, only to find them wiped. Eisenhower was taken in along with the other scientists and the subjects were assimilated into the military for a while. Most stayed, sekingb the thrill, but one notably broke off and decided that he wanted none of it. He took on the name Zavid Nightblade, Subject 1000. [/hider] [/center] [center]Zavid was part of a cancelled Icarus Project. He and his kin were genetically modified at birth to be stronger, faster and smarter. Which was the goal... What they got was warriors who lived off rage and fought so much that death was a large part of the program. Following a raid by the government the project was shit down. Only a few of the subjects remain, most having to be put down for how volatile they were. Zavid was noted as one of the few successes... out of nearly a thousand subjects. The subjects who were deemed safe were assimilated into the military. They became known for their strengths... and feared for their fits of berserker rage. The hundred or so who were left have been slowly dwindling, until only a few remained. Zavid relates to these last ones as his family, a thought shared by them all. After a year or so of wandering, Zavid met a man who called himself Shinzo Shida, who offered him a job as a tester for his inventions. It worked out so well the pair became friends and Shinzo would get him tech to do bounty hunting and escort jobs. Currently, Shida is looking for new materials for weapons and armor, as he is [i]the[/i] name in all advanced tech. After a few years of bounty hunting, Zavid met [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3d/fb/0e/3dfb0eceda792226b620247713d36cf9.jpg]Brant Quentin[/url] a man who he met after... A long night of drinking. The two stayed in touch, went on a few dates and then decided to stick together... Despite Brant being an officer in the UNFC who is against bounty hunters.[/center] [center][color=9e0b0f]Weapons/Supplies[/color]:[/center] Zavid prefers to be as far from targets as possible, but is one of the best in close range. His weapons and armor are made by his closest friend, who's known for his top of the line gear under the pseudonym Shinzo. [url=http://files.spieletipps.de/cont_img/8f/fd/8b/8ffd8b_4d8e1c2f8cdbe_ciA2NDIDOGRfOGM4Yg==.jpg]Prototype HPGR[/url]: Custom made Sniper Rifle. High powered Laser weapon. Centipede Exo Gear: Fits like a second skin, this further enhances his alread high strength and speed. Has a built in jetpack and active camouflage(works only when still). Centepede WPT: A beta tech that enables a short FTL dash in almost any direction. Has a long power up time. Centepede Visor: Detects all bands of the EM spectrum. Also has a active HUD for overall status, map and motion sensor. High Frequency Communicator: Used to communicate with Shinzo and Brant. The former as it is the only direct line to him, no one besides Brant has this. For Brant, it's how they communicate, as they are often far apart. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/46/66/d8/4666d8e18756c510b178574b34fdc220.jpg]Lux[/url]: A rechargeable energy broadsword Can be used even when powered off like a regular blade. Blade is a meter long and made of a special alloy. [color=9e0b0f]Misc[/color]: Zavid is from Zencrux, a planet with extreme gravity. He has denser bones and higher strength than normal humans. Zencrux' gravity is 26.48 m/s[sup]2[/sup]. Brandt has a six year old son, Leon who lives with his parents on Earth. [/hider]