[center][h3][color=bc8dbf]Stirner Cartisius[/color] North Miyama, A Homely Hotel Room[/h3] [@Berserk Gene][/center] Given how the opening scene to summoning his Servant had played out, the subsequent events had flowed surprisingly well. It could be said that the Berserker he had summoned defied the expectation associated with the class's name, but in this case, Stirner could hardly find it in himself to complain. All the same, though, as talk of breakfast, lunch, strategy, and preparation all drew to a close, as the lonely moon floated overhead, bearing silent witness in the night sky, any semblance of peace was shattered. [hr] [center][b]++ANALYSIS COMPLETE++ +BLOODLINE: [color=a2d39c]DESCENDANT OF MEINONG CARTISIUS[/color]+ +BODY: [color=a2d39c]CONDUCIVE TO ■■■■■■■■■■ TRANSFERENCE[/color]+ +SPIRIT: [color=a2d39c]MALLEABLE[/color]+ +ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: [color=a2d39c]POSSESSION OF PHANTOM LINK TO ■■■■■ ■■■■■[/color]+ +CONCLUSION: [color=a2d39c]TARGET SUITABLE[/color]+ ++ORDER RECEIVED++ ++SAINT GRAPH ASSESSMENT COMPLETE++ +■■■■■ ■■■■■ USAGE DEEMED UNNECESSARY+ +■■■■■■■■■ USAGE DEEMED UNNECESSARY+ +■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ USAGE DEEMED SUITABLE+ ++CREATING NEW COMBAT LOG++ ++AND THUS I PRAY THAT ALL TRAGEDIES WILL END++[/b][/center] [hr] It made sense that neither Stirner or Berserker had detected it. After all, it was neither a magus nor a Servant. Prana did not flow around it as one would expect while it had approached the hotel room that had been used as a temporary base of operations. And yet, it appeared nonetheless. The flare of magical energy as its true functions roared to life left them with less time to react with than it would take to cast even a Single-Action spell. With a resounding crack, the wood of the hotel room door caved in beneath its blow, its figure darting into the room while the Master and Servant were in the midst of conversation. It was a man. Silken black hair that came to an end below his shoulders, eyes cold with the utter lack of that spark common to living beings, he entered. On the opposite side of the city, another absurd being that equaled Servants had appeared, but at least that demon made sense. Beings of that demon's class would of course be capable of moving with a speed and strength far beyond mortal men, a fact that would be obvious simply upon setting eyes on them. This, though, had none of the presence that a Servant, a Phantasm Race, or a demon would possess. It was simply [i]there[/i], and yet it moved with a speed and grace that Berserker certainly could not match. The man cut a straight line through the hotel room from its point of entry to the wall opposite it, heedlessly charging through the outer wall of the hotel room and leaving a gaping hole to the outside in its wake, the building itself shuddering at the sheer force behind the blow. It was only after that hole had been formed that Berserker would notice his Master had been taken by the man, the escaping figure charging headlong into the curtain of night.