"Damnit!" Gavin said as he dived into a wormhole that led back to the deck with the last of his power, hopefully evading the harpoons and plopping down to yet another bloodstained floor. Breathing hard and utterly exhausted, Gavin saw that there were [i]more[/i] enemies on said deck, guarding the hostages. Considering his wounds and his potential overheat, the young man would choose discretion as the better part of valor, lay down his assault rifle, and shout: "Don't shoot! I surrender!" Humiliating, but it would guarantee him time to get his Septima running again. Or he could die. That can happen as well. ------ Hiroki Hibiya was used to waiting; he had waited 13 years to become an Adept, after all. In his year of being part of MALTA, this ability to wait had been honed to a fine edge, allowing the boy to stalk and watch the figures in dark coats near the walls from a nearby rooftop; rooftops were the favorite of heroes everywhere. Aside from an Adept zooming towards the cruise yacht heading to the station's dock, Nothing was happening. For anyone seeking to limit collateral damage, the nearby train station posed a nightmare due to the tight mass of civilians. This, in turn, made sure that Hiroki would not start a fight; he was not going to abuse his leeway as a MALTA Agent. However, that didn't mean that he couldn't do anything, nor had it meant that nothing was done. For while the fight was raging on the boat, Hiroki had called his father, and asked him: "Hey, can you give an anonymous tip to the police, asking them to come to just in front of my current location, which is [Insert Coordinates Here]?" This was five to ten minutes ago. Either way, though, if the police did not come and there was a threat to the civilians, Hiroki would interfere; he might die in the process, but it didn't matter. One life saved for a cause he believed in - that was enough.