Hey, after lurking a bit, I decided to give it a try and created a character. It's my first one in this kind of RP, so any feedback about it would be great. [hider=Meet Kuki] Name: Kunichiro "Kuki" Ueda Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Just about 5 ft 8. Personality: Kuki is really outgoing, but he likes his privacy. A lot. He has a few good friends, some of them out of school, but he goes well with everyone. He is known by being fair and righteous. He hates telling lies, what makes him a terrible liar. He takes school and other stuff pretty serious. Backstory: Kuki has a secret, no one knows much about his family. His mother died a few years ago and he was raised by his severe father, that no student of friend has ever known personally. Because of him, Kuki has a few scars in his body, that he is ashamed of. He got in school proving to be a good student and the board of directors see in him a good soon-to-be-man. Inherent Engine Skill: Kuki can take much more pain than others. That gave him advantage in some battles in the past, specially against more powerful enemies. Active Engine Device: [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_uFqA_XnJSIY/SfYYuCmyJkI/AAAAAAAABwk/xl5OFJO7xj4/s1600/bbbb+005.jpg]The NAV[/url], an old razor. It was the only gift he had from his grandfather - on Kuki's mother funeral. Granpa was a sailor and got this from some mysterious guys once, a long time ago... It doesn't look very special, but it's blade is indestructible. So Kuki, since then, had it with him all the time. Skills: He can sharpen pretty much any object. Give him a pencil or a stone, he will make a stunning blade in seconds. That proved to be really useful in outnumbered fights in the past. He is also pretty good with languages and communication. Rank: 7th Club: Kuki has no allegiance to any clubs for now. [/hider]