[hr] [center][youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj-MLviEdmc[/youtube][/center] [hr] The [i]Vitae[/i] sailed silently through the stars as it traveled away from P2A-594, the site of the first mission and the first disaster for those aboard the Ark. The ship seemed to be as quiet as the empty space it flew through. It had been several hours since all crew had returned to the vessel, along with sic recently deceased crewmen. Each of the perished souls had been given funerals, then were cremated as per protocol. Six people that were the Admiral's responsibility and he lead them to their death's. It was not directly his fault, no one could have imagined how badly the mission would go. He was uneasy about the mission, sending so many to an utterly unknown world.He would bear the weight of those dead on his mind for a period of time. He'd ensure they would not be forgotten, their names to be etched into a memorial aboard the [i]Vitae[/i]. There would be more deaths, he knew it, though Locke would try his best to prevent as many as he could. Rear Admiral William Locke took a long sip of water, the clear liquid quickly going down his throat. He then blinked twice, attempting to clear his mind and once again take control of the situation. All aboard the [i]Vitae[/i] needed to know their next steps. While Locke did not quite know what their next mission would be, he had to tell them something, reassure all on the Ark that the future would be brighter. He did not know how many of them would actually believe him, but he'd damn well try to make them. He approached a console in the command center, then clicked a switch which activated the intercom, moments later his familiar voice came through the speakers across the ship, everyone aboard the [i]Vitae[/i] would hear him. "This is Admiral Locke, I know that you all have heard of the first mission, and its calamitous events. We lost six of our own on that alien world, we must ensure their sacrifices are never forgotten. They gave their lives for the mission, which is ensuring humanity's future. I vow to be more vigilant in our future operations, no one ever said this would be an easy mission. But, that is no excuse, every person aboard this vessel is important. Unnecessary casualties are tragic, and I will try my best to prevent more deaths." Locke stated as he began his speech, pausing briefly before moving onto more inspiration words. "We must push on, it is right to mourn and always acceptable to remember those that we have lost. The future of humanity is in our hands, I have faith in every single one of you. Together we can achieve that which may seem impossible but it is not. We are strongest together. Together we will find a new home for humanity, one to raise our children and grandchildren. I have no doubt of that." Locke finished, then stepped away from the intercom after giving his speech, his trademark charisma seeping through in his words. Then he took a glance around the command center, making eye contact with all those around him, he could still see the hope in their eyes. As long as there was hope, there was a future. [hr] Two blue eyes stared forward, filled with curiosity and wonder. They appeared to be the eyes of a human being, as they sparkled with emotions that only humans felt. Dr. Philips had a smirk on his face as he watched his prodigy, and creation, Michael gaze at the alien orb that had been recovered from the planet that humanity had recently set foot upon. The mission had gone south, but it was not a complete and utter failure. They had recovered the peculiar orb, an unnatural creation that the android had been enamored with every since he held it in his fingertips. The device now sat centered inside of a protective glass container, clear on all sides. They would run tests upon it and Philips hoped it would reveal something fascinating, or even useful to the mission. The scientist was unsure of this though, as the orb had seemed to have 'gone silent' ever since it was taken offworld. Michael had frantically spoken to Philips of the orb, how it had lit up visually, and shimmered his internal systems. What had fascinated the scientist the most was how the device had apparently spoken internally to the synthetic man, in an unknown alien language. None of that had occurred since the orb was brought aboard the Ark. It appeared more akin to an ancient relic than an alien device of unknown origin. Still, Michael had no reason to lie to him. He believed every word the android had said. He'd ensure that Michael was present when any tests or scans were run on the orb, see if he couldn't 'activate' the device once again. Philips speculated it had something to do with the android's unique biology, though he did not have any evidence to back that up. For now, he simply allowed Michael to stare at the orb, while he decided the synthetic being's next move.