[img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/936e/f/2017/100/0/5/part_5_by_aaronmk-db5auny.jpg[/img] Welcome back viewers. We rejoin our tributes in their night-time rituals, as always whenever a return is made. And the first thing to point out is the inconsequential sleeping in shifts of Stronk Chin and Wade Wilson. Moving along. With the stress of the games, folk need to calm down and light up. By circumstance Hegel manages to find a cigarette so he sits down and manages to light it by striking a flint. The man of dialectical skill who began the day with killing another through sheer force of dialectics sits down for the night to his gift of food and to recenter himself. Inflatable Sex Doll meanwhile bundles sticks together to use as a weapon. This will prove a popular choice to our tributes. But while some would use bundles of sticks as a weapon, Arkaquiavel uses them to start a more immediately useful fire to keep himself warm. There is general risk in doing so, but it's not something immediate with many tributes bedding down for the night. Buddha too takes to the Hegel technique of lighting a cigarette. I have to say: if you can actually light a cigarette this way in real-life then I would be impressed. Someone get on looking into that. Little Pip, the Light Bringing savior pony of a grungy alternate fictional universe gets into a fight with Karl Marx, the father of Communism. Marx losses to the horse, but then again he can't use magic but Little Pip can. It seems well honed swordsmen ship can not beat the impeccably groomed mane, but to use a sword you have to have a sword so that goes without saying. All the same, Little Pip sticks to simply humbling Karl Marx and lets him live. In the life and times of other communists, Le Mao watches Jeb Bush and Varionus settle into a hot-tub. Jeb probably taking the opportunity to talk to him about his new theme song and Varionus about how he accomplished the more potent slaying of Love. While love does not exist, there is at least cordial neutrality. GCS dies. Trash Man, with Waifu's purse goes to Narmer, the politically inspired snake charmer and they hold hands like the devils they are. Turnip copies Sex Doll. Bender, having seen someone erased from existence with superior discourse still has not recovered and seeks comfort in the arms of Gumshoos. Abradolf Lincler wants to die, and he requests Mahz to perform this act. Mahz refuses, and Abradolf gets to suffer the lingering taste of his own urine some more. This makes Funny Valentine very ill. Broby is a devious son of a bitch and he TPs Dave Chapelle's house. But it's through this action by Broby that the ghosts of Rick and Morty are summoned into the arena, and RNG has seen them and knows well the dangers of random chance. This is a reminder, an omen. Marcus has to eat bugs, but Vilage feels the spirit of the spook and dresses up as a ghost. Stirner, who is a man of many spooks writes a very erotic fanfic about this. Monsieur Cheeks professes the only man he needs in his life is BrokenPromise. Whether or not this relationship will have any commitment will need to be seen. So while this may be a relationship in the making, there is a more short-term one not far off. Waifu, having lost her purse and got stuck fishing all day breaks down with Skrillex and he holds her hand. Raddum masturbates furiously when Engels falls into a pit. We now know his fetish. ISHYGDDT Man then strangles Butt Naked. RIP. [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/2d04/f/2017/100/b/b/part_6_by_aaronmk-db5auo1.jpg[/img] Poor Buddha, you just couldn't resist could you? Like SleepingSilence you go skinning dipping in a random pool and get boiled. Buddha's death though is more merciful then what happened between Marcus and Hegel. While Marcus has described himself as a "gay man in San Fransisco" when he was accused of being gay, it appears he couldn't resist Hegel's charms; and neither could Hegel his. However, the two men don't know how to do it with one another and it is a messy, embarrassing affair. Meanwhile the Jews have a breakdown in their misfortunes and chase the closest man they can find, George Costanza. What is strange is that Costanza is himself a Jew, but a convert. So perhaps this has something to do with it, he representing a fundamental decrease in the total number of Jewish practitioners. Le Mao builds some shit. And finally, Waifu's troubled run comes to an end. Having lost a purse, tried to fish, and then sought security with a rather terrible music-man she's finally put out of her terminal misery by Gollum. Gumshoos lights one up and Mahz finally goes crazy and thinks he's on a reality TV show. Or... is he? Vilage seeks spiritual guidance with Monsieur Cheeks who probably informs him the path to enlightenment is through BrokenPromise. But this might be misheard as being through "broken promises". A three-way contest breaks out between Varionus, Abradolf, and Bender. Abradolf runs away as Bender claims bloodied victory. It's a messy affair, but at least it isn't as emotionally distressing as Putin pulling off his sexual charms on a root vegetable. Wade Wilson though is scared of a pony. And not just any pony, Little Pip, who is actually quiet smoll as far as pones go. Though she never wore clothes, the Blowup Sex Doll decides to take them off anyways, reasoning her inflated polygonal shape will turn away, or turn on would-be attackers. Trash Man continues what could be a budding career of terrifying women post purse-theft by attacking Jennifer Lawrence, then leaving her battered and bruised. Jeb Bush finds himself in a similar situation as he's chased by Broby, but manages to avoid him with only as sprained ankle. Stronk Chin has awkward sex with Skrillex. Max Stirner finds a massive statue to Cat Snake and admires his competition's own ego. Raddum receives medical aid to help him recover from his vigorous fapping. Christ appears before the pagan Naramer, a man who never came to know Jews I bet. The vision is so compelling though that the king carves a cross into his forehead to obtain Jesus' power. BrokenPromise, who may or may not be the path to righteousness has a bout of very non-righteous shitting after eating too many berries. Arkaquiavel is the... Arkaquiavel man doing everything a... Arkaquiavel man... does. ... Karl Marx is thirsty. [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/dd92/f/2017/100/d/7/part_7_by_aaronmk-db5auo3.jpg[/img]