As the fire-haired stood, Tekart did his best to help him stand, ensuring that he was capable enough to hold himself up on his own. When the word "Psyker" was spoken, Tekart almost didn't know how to react. He had heard of those who possessed strange powers, and were dubbed as such by the Imperium, but he himself had never dealt with one. Apparently, the Guardsman was somehow acting negatively upon the Psyker's well-being. This seemed especially evident in how the Psyker described the Guardsman as having "no soul". Tekart could not deny the concept of a soul, but he still remained skeptical, as a man of medicine first and foremost. The female Mechanicus seemed very intrigued by the Psyker, revealing that they both were here in expected service to the Inquisition. [color=lightblue]"Well, it seems we're all here for a similar reason. Hopefully we'll have a time to introduce ourselves when someone ISN'T dying of unknown causes."[/color] With that, Tekart quickly packed up his medical tools back into his bag. Yet another new arrival arrived shortly after, this one very visibly a man of faith. Tekart was somewhat pleased that the more "normal" members of the group outnumbered the more odd members, though he still had his doubts on the Guardsman. Not wanting to stray too far from the Psyker's side, afraid he may fall ill again, He shuffled to face the priest, and offered the sign of the aquila as he introduced himself. [color=lightblue]"Its about time a member of the Ecclesiarchy arrived, given what I suspect our unified purpose of meeting to be. I'm Tekart Rumnaheim, Officio Medicae Doctor. It's good to meet all of you."[/color]