Julan was resigned to being silent for a short while, though that did not mean he was happy about his father's refusal for him to be able to see his grandparents. Instead, his mind was distracted with all of the possible arguments he could think of as for why he should be able to see them. Though, at the same time, he was also afraid to bring up any of the arguments in his mind. He easily recognized his father's tone, so it made him hesitant to irritate him any further. As Janius was describing his home and childhood, another idea came to Julan's mind, but it was not something that he could bring up at the moment, not in the presence of his parents. He would have to wait until later, likely that night. He would just have to make sure that he could speak to Rhazii privately. In the meantime, Julan thought of some questions that would probably not make his father angry. He took a few moments to look up at the house, which was a bit larger than he had been expecting. He guessed that his father was an important person even before he became a lycan. "Okay, so I know I can't meet them, but...can I at least know what my grandparents are like? What are their names? Why do they live in such a big house?" Julan asked. --- Lorag did not respond immediately. He turned around and walked sluggishly back to the weapon racks to hang up his sword and shield. The thoughts going through his mind had been there for a while, but his conversation with Meesei and his fight with Fendros had only strengthened them. As much as he did not like it, he knew the decision he was going to make. When he walked back over to Fendros and Ahnasha, he gave a brief nod. "Yeah, I've got somethin' to say, but not now. We'll talk later, when everyone else is back here." He answered, not so much as waiting for a response before he started to walk out of the door.