[h3][center][color=f7941d]Shinichi Saito[/color][/center][/h3] [hr] Shinichi knew he was in trouble when the boy avoided his first attack. This guy obviously had more fighting experience. He was even talking during a fight! Before Shinichi could respond, his opponent moved first into a fighting stance, then fluidly into a strike at Shinichi. Shinichi knew he didn't have a chance at beating a guy with a sword in a straight hand-to-hand match. He needed to take things to the ground. He tried to jump over the strike and tackle his enemy, but he didn't manage to avoid the sword. A wave of pain blossomed from Shinchi's shins. That had definitely broken the skin. Even being struck, he kept his forward momentum. If his tackle connected, and he was able to knock the guy over, Shinichi was confident he would win. [@CondorTalon]