[h2]Rumi Kataoka[/h2] Rumi tilted her head as she listened to the big guy speak. Poor guy. He seemed so confused about what was going on. It was easier for Rumi, who never really took things too seriously, but this guy didn't seem like the guy who could just take things like this at face value. She looked down as Musashi said something about needing her power, and only then did she notice someone approaching them. "Alright," she said, "I need you to take off your glove. Grab onto my hand." Rumi couldn't fight. If she went up against this guy approaching them, she'd be sorely outmatched. Of course, she was planning on doing no such thing, so that didn't matter. [@Dblade26] [hr] [h2]Ryousei Aoyama[/h2] So. The strike had connected. That was good. The guy was still coming at him though. Less good. Ryousei had less than a second to react before the other boy made contact, sending him falling backward and fuuuuuuuuuu Wait... as long as he didn't hit the ground he was good... so he shifted his sword and used it as a stand to keep himself from falling. Then he shifted, moving backward, and repositioned his feet under him so that he could stand again. At the same time he pushed the other boy backward... hopefully far enough so that he'd be the one falling this time. [@Western Robot]