"Look kid, you don't take the dojo with you, you take what you learn with you...ah why am I even bothering" Zeke said, throwing his hands up in the air before going off to lean on his team's flag, body language just screaming "yep, I'm not gonna do jack unless I absolutely have to". The kid was, on some level, right. He was here, dead or whatever, it was time to accept it. This was all insane and stupid and dangerous, but really hadn't his life basically been just that till that point? What really was the difference? And as he pondered all these things, some glowing guy looked to charge right into their side of the field. Oh right, the game. And much as he hated to admit it, there had to be something about the kid. Whatever it was he threw at Shiner over yonder (he probably would've freaked out had he actually seen the shuriken as such), Panda Boy did so very, very well, with practiced ease and remarkable accuracy for the distance and motion. The effects, however, weren't quite as clear-cut as he probably hoped they were and the guy resumed his run for the flag. He had to agree with Musashi, something was off about him and he wasn't in the mood to figure out what it was with his own body. He could probably take it but why try and risk his health over this fucking game. "Kid, nevermind the weapon, keep going for the legs. Go mostly for the thighs and knees, the shin is solid bone. Aim where you don't want him to be and where that'll put him at. Make him step on whatever you're throwing if you can, change up rhythms and throw a few to the body mixed in to keep him guessing". Basic strategy, but it worked for personal combat with or without weapons. It didn't even occur to Zeke he was telling a child to potentially cripple someone else with weapons, but apparently no one here cared either. [@Dblade26] [@Azereiah] [@CondorTalon]