[img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/f8a5/f/2017/100/6/2/part_8_by_aaronmk-db5cz3t.jpg[/img] We continue our adventures in the arena with the immediate decapitation of Dave Chapelle. This is a big change for Wade as well, who like Dave has spend the entire games doing basically nothing but being scared or teaming up with robot gods. The Blowup Sex Doll meanwhile suffers some injury partook in part from those bundled sticks and her rubbery exterior was starting to wear and was threatening to split. For her, any injury is fatal or at least very debilitating. Snake Eyes sees a fire while Bender fails to start one. While they are without warmth, Vilage and Cat Snake have romantic sex and keep warm by each other's body heat. Little Pip has some excitement of her own when she finds a cigarette and lights it up. Though in every way I've known her as a character she hasn't smoked, she is very much in danger of addiction so this may prove very dangerous. Moving on Le Mao has ventured from his shack and with Stronk Chin the Christian Convert Communist attempt to approach Gollum and Gumshoos' fire. Gollum - having killed a waifu - is particularly dangerous. The entire Jewish race got drunk. Funny Valentine drew funny things on their faces. Oy vey. Marcus - tired of eating bugs - worked up the nerve to kill Raddum. The Mexican Revolutionary steps from the corpse of Raddum in victory and leaves it to be consumed by BrokenPromise. Costanza captures Broby, but only in teasing. Marx was to kill Narmer, but he refused deciding he needs a feudal emperor alive so as to have a dialectical villain in the arena at all times and to make his class struggle in the contest valid. Hegel would have partook, but he was humming. [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/ac33/f/2017/100/e/e/part_9_by_aaronmk-db5cz4g.jpg[/img] With the sun above the horizon Karl Marx thinks about his dear old home of Germany. Stronk Chin doesn't begin the day well at all, eating too many wild berries he'll spend the rest of the day shitting them out the other end. Hopefully he doesn't pass out from dehydration. Abradolf seeks spiritual guidance with Jennifer Lawrence, who teaches him some of what she knows. The lost niggardly Jew from /lit/ is found by Snake Eyes. And finally, the bumbling career of Jeb Bush is brought to an anticlimactic end. Jeb, who hadn't caught up with his vaccinations is brought down by an ultimately preventable disease. Let us remember him. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdCYMvaUcrA[/youtube] After a night of having had sex with Vilage, Cat Snake is feeling peckish and chases after Little Pip. The Cat Snake isn't the first monster she's had to run from so she escapes. Le Mao, feeling particular productive sets off and invades a small island nation which may or may not be Taiwan. This puts him in a particularly powerful position moving forward. We should keep an eye on him. And I'm really feeling too lazy to cover the rest. But Vilage has contracted Anarcho-Communism from Cat Snake so sets up a commune. [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/e4c9/f/2017/100/2/b/part_10_by_aaronmk-db5cz4r.jpg[/img]