I might think up a few moves later so I hope you dont mind for me to add those to future moves after your permission later on. [center][h2]Hikari Hirasawa[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XC2qL16.jpg[/img] [b]Height[/b] 1,50m / 5ft [b]Age[/b] 15 [b]Gender[/b] Girl [b]Equipment[/b] A smartphone nothing more nothing less [b]Abilities[/b] [i]Close quarters combat[/i] Due to her power having everything to do with enhancing her body she figured it might come in handy to learn a thing or two about fighting up close. [b]Channeller category[/b] Augmenter [b]Power[/b] [i]Blood Consumption[/i] The power to gain power from blood by ingestion. She needs a liter of blood to activate her ability which makes her body stronger, faster and able to endure more. Just like a vampire Hikari is able to suck blood from others by the help of strong sharp canine. The downside to having the power is that Hikari needs to drink blood daily. The more blood she drinks the powerfuller her power gets. [i]Night vision[/i] User has excellent night vision, the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness. [i]Extreme healing factor[/i] The ability to heal rapidly from any physical injury. Hikari heals herself during the drinking of blood. So when she is able to drink blood during battle she can heal herself, the more blood she drinks the more she gets healed. Just like water if she drinks too much she can get over hydrated and follows the symptoms of it if she continues drinking blood. [b]Moves[/b] [i]Blood leech![/i] Hikari clings for her life onto someone and slowly sucks them dry TILL THEY DIEEE! (Till they pass out or feel weakened...) [i]NIBBLE![/i] Hikari keeps poking her teeth in someones their skin making it tickle or hurt if she is serious about it! [i]Uppercut[/i] A simple move for Hikari to manage, she just punches upwards. [i]GERMAN SUPLEX![/i] Hikari does a german suplex! [b]Future moves[/b] [i]Slash[/i] she uses her hand to slice like a sword [h2]Personality[/h2] Hikari is a highly energetic vampire with a lot of passion for her own nature. She always is in a bright mood and tries to make as much jokes as she can. Hikari is jolly around every person she knows or meets and never seems to be down from anything. Hikari often goes to somewhat chiller places to cool off from the constant heat that the sun or other people bring to her. That is why the upper buttons of her blouse are always opened too. Despites always being so cheerful and straightforward talking about somewhat lewder things can make her get all shy and embarrassed even if it is about the simplest things like kissing. [h2]Background[/h2] Hikari was born a twin, despites not looking anything alike they were still twins. They grew up in a medium sized residence with medium wage coming in, which wasn't all that bad in itself. They had pretty fulfilling life's, going to school and enjoying time with the family. Hikari was pretty easy going so it was always a challenge for her to pass each year, despites that she had a lot of friends on school and never had any real problems or hardships in life. It was a boring yet fun life. At the age of 11 it was bound to happen knowing her mom, powerful canine had been manifesting under her long lasting milk teeth. Her mom had given her the same power that she had, it was a power that had been passed down in the family. Genes weren't all that kind to her twin sister. Her sister's power hadn't manifested yet even though it was likely to be the same. Her canine started growing through after a heavy event with her sister being harassed at middle school. Hikari stepped up for her and got beaten up by the four of them after letting her mouth run wild and not really knowing how to defend herself. There was no real conflict any more after that fight though, Hikari still held a grudge against those bullies but they kept their distance after having earned their punishment by the principal. After hearing from the dentist her new teeth were growing through the teacher decided to have a small talk with her too and basically proposed for her to go to this special school where she would be learning to use her newfound powers. Her powers were working already yet, her weapons were still growing. Hikari found this an awesome opportunity and gave an excited yes to the proposal. They are now three years further, her canine had developed well during that time, she had learned the essentials of fighting with her limbs and got sent blood regularly by the hospital, it wasn't much but she could live on it. [b]Likes[/b] Blood Coolness Nape of the neck Garlic Nibbling others [b]Dislikes[/b] Sunlight Warmth Fire [h2]Theme[/h2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZlfbep2LdU[/youtube][/center]