[h2]Musashi Sakai[/h2] "Oh, I missed with one. Well, he [i]was[/i] at my outer range." Musashi nodded to Rumi but didn't slip off a glove, he needed his hands free to fight. Instead he loosened the strap keeping his panda hat ontop of his head and shrugged it down around his neck, then took Rumi's hand and placed it ontop of his head. He was watching Brock as he did all this and- Oh, well that was really mean. In fact Musashi was pretty sure that hand gesture was [i]super[/i] rude! Well, no sense going easy on him now. Musashi took out a whole around five Shuriken, pushed his powers to the limit and struck. Zeke's advice was probably the best longterm strategy, but at the moment Musashi just wanted to teach the rude glowy boy some manners and a little healthy fear. He sent one spinning toward each eye, slow enough that he might see it and duck if he were fast enough. Those were mostly a distraction. He threw two more at the same spots on his leg and foot, again, slower to control his motions but enough that they'd still hurt stacked up on the previous hits. Then he shifted his stance so that his whole body's force fed into the throw and whipped the last, dullest one right at Brock's crotch. Fast and [b]Hard.[/b] Nin nin.