Hello! Do you have room in this RP? [i]*Rubs my hands all over it...*[/i] Please review my Character Sheet if so. Thank you for your time! [hider=Brek Rakos-Ha] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/T3STGZ9.png[/img] [hider=Comet EG25B Armor] [img]http://i.imgur.com/l1vJ219.png[/img] [/hider] [color=41669C]Name:[/color] Brek Rakos-Ha [color=41669C]Species:[/color] Corek (Capraoculus frigusvita) [color=41669C]Age:[/color] Adult (Late 20's biologically) [color=41669C]Gender:[/color] Not Applicable (He/Him Pronouns) [color=41669C]Height:[/color] 5ft 2in/158cm [color=41669C]Weight:[/color] 120lbs/54Kg [color=41669C]Personality:[/color] [color=6ecff6]Aggressive - Prickly - Angry - Stubborn[/color] Brek never appears to be in a good mood. His sense of humor seems to be full of sarcasm and insults, though he never laughs at his own jokes. He tends to dig his heels in on plenty of issues, doesn't back down from an argument or fight, but can often be seen simply observing others in prickly silence. When it comes time for action, Brek will follow orders and cooperate up until he becomes frustrated, and decides to handle things "his way"-- which usually consists of whacking things until they stop moving. [color=41669C]History:[/color] The Corek are a species that inhabit a frosted wasteland of a planet named Danakos. It was thought to be entirely uninhabited, up until the ship surveying the planet crash landed on it. Though the crew was immediately killed due to the exposure to -130F (-90C) temperatures, the Corek managed to reactivate the crashed ship's equipment, and make contact with the crew's home planet. Years later, several ambassadors were sent to investigate Earth and it's humans. Brek, one of four ambassadors for the Corek warrior guild, was sent to study the battle cultures of the other inhabited worlds. He took a strong liking to the Earth culture and began a lengthy study and log of their war history, weapons, armies, and hunting habits. Eventually, Brek found his way to the Galactic Adventure Hunting Lodge and, with the approval of the Danakos Assembly, he has begun surveying the various hunting techniques and creatures encountered, always sending gathered intelligence back to his home planet. All of Brek's life has been hunting, training, and fighting other Corek for sport in the Danakos Arena. The strict adherence to a caste system in the Danakos Assembly, never afforded Brek the chance of being anything other than a warrior. Since he has begun traveling, Brek has taken up a rather powerful interest in classic human poetry, and has programmed several quotes, that switch at random, into his shielding array as decoration. His Favorite? [sup]Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.[/sup] [color=41669C]Weapons/Supplies:[/color] [color=6ecff6]Galigek:[/color] A standard Corek bladed weapon that resembles a broadsword. It's created from a heavy Dakanos metal with a blade crafted from a translucent volcanic glass. When the glass is aggravated by a specialized plasma conduit, drops it's temperature to -30F(-34C). This gives the blade it's characteristic glowing blue hue and striking coldness. The volcanic glass is extremely sharp and can cut with surgical precision but, it has to be sharpened or changed out often, and can even degrade so much in an extremely lengthy battle battle that it becomes blunt. The Corek have a saying for this phenomena as a result, "A dull blade can still kill," which is often used to describe traitorous lethality, commonly in reference to the lower caste vying for power. [color=6ecff6]Arkismet:[/color] A standard Corek portable-shield emitter. When deployed a complex blue force field shaped as a large square shield, tall enough to block a single person's feet and head, is generated by armor integrated shield emitters. Both arms posses the forearm-mounted gear capable for emitting the shield however, the battery power usage for stopping attacks can only be dedicated to one shield at a time. A heavier drawback is the potential for complete armor power failure, in the event of a blow strong enough to disrupt the shield in one hit. [color=6ecff6]AMTC-3K:[/color]The "Arm Mounted Temperature Cannon" is another Corek built weapon. Meant to be used at close to medium range, the cannon is designed to use the outside air and humidity, cooled by internal hardware, to emit cold and ice based attacks. The weapon's main fault is it's recharge/reload speed-- it's slow to build enough power to be used properly. Brek often ends up using it as a second melee weapon due to it's slowness and weight-- bludgeoning people with a weapon has been found to be "effective." [indent][color=6ecff6]>>Icicle Projection:[/color] A primary fire mode which sends a spear of ice toward the target. The longer the cannon is charged, the more speed and is built up, giving the icicle a varying range and armor piercing capability. [color=6ecff6]>>Frigid Burst:[/color] A close range burst of cold air with a recorded standard temperature of -22F (-30C). Commonly deployed as a counter or mid-melee attack. Has the ability to repel targets slightly if charged long enough (often never is).[/indent] [color=41669C]Misc:[/color] [color=6ecff6]"It's hot, isn't it?": [/color]Brek, like all Corek, is largely dependent upon his armor to keep his temperature regulated when in an environment that is -4F (-20C) and above. [color=6ecff6]"A human sweater. Would be nice.":[/color] That being said, he can only comfortably endure temperatures as low as -166F (-110C) before needing warming gear. [color=6ecff6]"I can speak. Just. Fine.":[/color] Corek don't use vocal communication often-- having developed a strong culture of sign language in order to communicate over Danakos' harsh winds. Brek, like all Corek, takes his time when speaking, due to his vocal cords tiring out quickly-- that is, if he doesn't simply shout one word. Words tend to catch in his throat often, resulting in a full stop when speaking, and his grasp of vocal language gives needs for pauses anyway-- he often needs to think for a while upon what he wishes to convey. [color=6ecff6]"I can only. Do what I am. Supposed to.":[/color] Despite Brek's distance and time away from Dakanos, he still has a very strong mental adherence to his caste's rules, which outlaw him from partaking in certain activities or interactions, be they beneath or above him. [/center] [/hider]