[color=orange][b]AKIKO[/b][/color] Akiko heard the words of the panda kid, and nodded her head in agreement. "Alright, I can do that" she said confidently in response. She didn't really like the idea of taking orders from someone who was clearly even younger than she was, but it's not like she had much of a choice and he actually kinda sounded like he knew what he was talking about, so she was able to accept it Akiko watched as panda kid launched some ninja stars towards the big scary guy, who fell over in pain as one of the stars hit him in the balls. Akiko laughed at the moment in her head a little bit, but also recognized it as a chance to strike. Akiko immediately took off as she saw the scary guy fall over in pain, and she reeled her fist back as she saw him throwing an attack at panda kid. She was hoping her position on the field, which was a couple feet away from panda kid, and scary guy's focus on panda boy would be enough for him to not notice her as she threw a running punch straight at his head