Thankfully, there were enough people walking up and down the street on their own business that Janius was not afraid of eavesdroppers. However, standing in front of a house and talking about its occupants might draw unwarranted attention that he would rather avoid. He beckoned the group to follow him while he responded to Julan. "Your grandparents are Remus and Aeramina Aetius. The family won favour in the legion many years ago and has lorded over a barony-worth of land ever since. We traded in horses, mostly, but also rented farmland out. All the gold meant that we were able to buy a house in the city to be closer to prospective traders and breeders. It's big because that's what the coin could afford. It's what you do with a lot of money." Janius' tone had a hint of regret as he continued. "Anyway, father kept up the martial tradition by being closely involved with the Fighters Guild. He was head of the guild in Bravil as well as a respected member elsewhere. So, he was...a busy person. Easy to anger, often arbitrary. He did not involve me much in his affairs except when I needed discipline. That was probably one of the reasons that I was drawn to being a troublemaker." Janius almost laughed. "As for mother, well, she was from the merchant family. She was almost always socialising, making connections. She spent more time at court than home. I hardly saw anything of her. In fact, it was really the house governor, maid, and butler that had a greater hand in raising me." [hr] Fendros did not know what else to do but look on as Lorag made his exit. It bothered him to be of no more help, but he knew there was nothing else to do. Once Lorag left, Fendros walked over to Ahnasha and sighed deeply, bowing his head. "I'm worried about him. I wish he wasn't so attached to his..." Fendros half-threw up a hand. "Orcish notions of what matters. He's done so much for all of us. He trained me and you and everyone else, he's been training Rhazii. Half the clan owes their skills to his tuition and experience. That's a legacy, isn't that enough?" Fendros knew he was not being charitable. His frustration with Lorag's values was born out of his own helplessness in the face of it.