Julan payed very close attention to every word that Janius said about his parents, and his childhood in general. He repeated each part of his story in his mind to try and commit it all to memory. He had a feeling that he was going to be needing all of this information fairly soon. "So my grandparents were very important, then? Just like you are. And the maid and butler and everyone was like your, um, [i]family[/i]?" Julan said, referring to the servants by the same word he sometimes used int he place of "pack" whenever they were in a town or city. He did not actually know what a maid, butler, or governor was, but he guessed that they were not related to him by blood. As the group made their way over the bridge and across the canal, Julan started paying more attention to the city around him, asking questions about it instead. He figured that he probably knew everything he needed for what he had in mind. --- Ahnasha looked towards the door, though Lorag was long gone by that point. "I don't think it's his legacy he's bothered with. Don't know if he actually even cares about his legacy. It's probably the here and now that is getting to him. He's getting older and can't do the things he used to do. I guess that would bother anyone, especially someone who is so dependent on his body. It might be that Orcish pride, wanting to find a 'good death' and everything. Or maybe he is just worried about disappointing us?" Her eyes still lingering on the door, Ahnasha gave Fendros a pat on the shoulder. "He did say he wanted to talk to us all, though. Later, at least. Maybe with all of us there together, we'll be able to talk some sense in to him. In the meantime, I think I'd like to be filled in on everything that happened with that Thalmor. All I know so far is that Areldril isn't [i]exactly[/i] a prisoner, and Lunise looked like someone stabbed her childhood pet to death with a rusty knife."