Serena equally studied the man as he studied her whilst the three of them conversed, well the two of them while Ava just continued on her glare. Based on how he sat, she could tell that much of his life he had been fighting, no doubt he was really good, maybe even better than her, she wondered how quick he would be to defend if she launched an attack at him, not that she would though, she wasn’t as impulsive as her sister for one and two was he hadn’t done anything to warrant such aggressions. [color=palegoldenrod]“A pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Dragonbane,”[/color] Serena responded with a slight bow of her head when he told them their name. Ava clenched her fists at the man’s remark, especially the last bit, that really made her blood boil, [color=crimson]“I don’t get in my sister’s way, I help keep her safe,”[/color] she paused in her sentence, grabbing her scythe from behind her, holding the handle closer the blade, pointing it at him and added, [color=crimson]“and as for your little remark, guys don’t do it for me and I’ll gladly cut you down before you could even touch my sister.”[/color] Serena briefly closed her eyes, gently exhaling out her nose, she saw the longer Soron spoke to Ava, the more volatile things were becoming between the two of them, [color=palegoldenrod]“Ava, put your blade down and sit,”[/color] Serena interrupted, opening her eyes to glance at her sister. [color=crimson]“But...this jerk just insulted us,”[/color] Ava tensed up, though her sister’s tone was calm, because the two of them grew up together, Ava knew when her sister was giving her a warning and she was struggling between listening to her and teaching Soron a lesson. [color=palegoldenrod]“He’s merely riling you up, now sit down or would you prefer I punish you instead?”[/color] Ava’s tail flicked slightly when she said that, she remembered when they were younger and how if she misbehaved around her sister, she would be punished by her, something that made Serena look a little scary, at least to Ava, [color=crimson]“No ma’am,”[/color] she responded quickly, hastily sitting back her chair with her weapon resting on the side of her chair with her head lowered. Serena then turned her attention back to Soron, [color=palegoldenrod]“And I would ask you not to rile my sister up, I understand what she did was rude, but purposefully upsetting her won’t be tolerated by me,”[/color] though she knew how her sister could be at times, she did care about her and didn’t like it when people antagonized her. Serena then listened to his offer of joining them in a battle that seemed like was coming, though it wasn’t really any of her business, she knew if she didn’t assist, whatever town she and Ava went to would no doubt be attacked as well if it wasn’t already [color=palegoldenrod]“Well, this certainly interesting, very well, we’ll assist you, no doubt it would be in our best interest to do so.[/color] Ava was fidgiting in her seat, the man’s earlier remark still in her head, standing up she said, [color=crimson]“Forget that, I won’t work with someone who could be so rude to us and I think it’s time he learned a lesson on how to talk to ladies properly,”[/color] she glanced over to her sister and then back to Soron, grabbing her weapon again and pointed it at the man sitting across from them once more, [color=crimson]“I challenge you to a fight and when I win, you’ll apologize for your rude behavior.”[/color] Serena finished up the last of her tea before speaking [color=palegoldenrod]“If you do this Ava, you will be punished after it’s over, you know that right?”[/color] Ava shook a little as she nervously swallowed, clearly intimidated by what her sister would do to her rather than facing Soron, [color=crimson]“Y-Yeah, I know, but I have to do this.”[/color] [color=palegoldenrod]“Very well, I won’t try to stop you any further, just thought I’d give you one last warning,”[/color] she responded, taking a glance over at the window and saw the sun was starting to set, she was surprised they had been there that long, plus with the fight Ava wanted to have, they’d no doubt have to stay the night, something Serena didn’t mind but she had been looking forward to getting back to traveling. [@FallenTrinity]