Markus beheld the mechanicus first. She was pretty, for one who sought the perfection of the Omnissiah and ultimately intended to replace much of her body with machine. Her arms were already replaced, a change that made even the psyker uncomfortable. He really hadn't gotten out much. He wished he could have sensed her thoughts, but he wasn't sensing much of anything with that guardsman around. He had so many questions for her, but his naive curiosity would have to be addressed later. "Seeking the Inquisition per chance?" She asked. "Ah. Yes. I..." He offered a weak smile, but realized her attention had already shifted elsewhere. "...I am." He finished, his hopes crashing upon the realization that he was less interesting than a servitor. Markus lowered his head and unconsciously sighed, his self esteem properly returned to the gutter. "Well, it seems we're all here for a similar reason. Hopefully we'll have a time to introduce ourselves when someone ISN'T dying of unknown causes." The doctor interjected. So it was true. They were all here for the same reason, to answer the same call. Markus' spirits improved upon realizing that he was no longer alone. These people were to be his... how did she put it? "Crew-mates?" Yes. That would be alright, as long as the soulless one harbored no ill intent. Lingering near the dutiful doctor, Markus kept wary of his newfound nemesis. "We should all be going then. Forgive me for causing us delay. I pray the consequences of my weakness are not dire to our superiors." When speaking of the Inquisition, they certainly could be. Now that some color had returned to the boy's cheeks, Markus took his staff and began to head for the elevator. Yet, before he could make any progress, the last of their crew made his arrival. The heated mutterings of a prayer and a faint sense of hatred came from behind him, and Markus dared to turn. Fury and determination nearly overwhelmed the dampening affect of the psychic null nearby, and poor Markus was once again intimidated. He stood bravely however, despite his fears of being targeted. He knew to place a hand across his chest and greet the priest of the God-Emperor with a penitent bow. Surely, he would be identified by a venerated Ecclesiarch, yet he had nothing to return for his inequities but service. "Let the God-Emperor's name be praised." He returned quietly in wrote. The doctor introduced himself, so Markus felt it was time the rest of them followed suit. "Doctor Rumnaheim? Thank you for seeing to me. I am Markus Grevian. Just Markus, if... if any of you wish to call on me. Erm, our time draws short. We must not keep the Inquisitor waiting."