[color=tomato][h1]Krista Reynolds[/h1][/color] [hr] Krista watched with annoyance as the mini-mist blocked her shot. She muttered under her breath.[color=tomato]"Oh, so that's what they fo—"[/color] She was interrupted by the crystal's return fire, flinching away in the cockpit as the ray hit the wall she was using for cover. Once the Hou Yi's video feed compensated for the extra light, she could see the damage the crystal had done in a single shot. The thermal sensors were redundant, the molten parts of the wall were still incandescent. [color=tomato][i]"Holy crap,"[/i][/color] she thought, gaping like a fish, [color=tomato][i]"I almost felt that."[/i][/color] It reminded her of a time when she had observed a test firing of the Archer's Slag Cannon during a test firing. Even through a foot of transparent ceramic, she stood in awe as she felt the barest hints of the heat radiating from the coils. Now she shook at the thought of being on the receiving end of such power. The battle raged around her as she focused on her target. Taking a deep breath, she lined up another shot at the crystal. There was still a tremor to her voice as she opened up a line to the Paladin. [color=tomato] "I can't tell if it was firing purely in retaliation, or if it was focusing on a direct threat. Still, looks like this thing will make short work of anyone." [/color] She swallowed, mouth dry as she fought back against her nerves. [color=tomato] "Let's shatter this crystal ASAP. Ah have your back."[/color] It was a huge target and she could hit it without the Hou Yi's suggested corrections. Still, she took an extra moment to make sure that she was lined up before she fired, her own mini-sun streaking towards the Crystal. Summary: - Sent a message to Ariin [@Apollosarcher] - Fired upon the Crystal again