Heather noticed the girl with the scythe walk past her. She had no fear in her eyes for what she saw, everyone had different tastes. [color=lightpink][i]”My father drinks blood,”[/i][/color] Heather thought to herself. She was distracted, but she didn’t notice her friend’s hair was standing on end. Patricia’s hair was standing on end, but it wasn’t because of the full-blooded Nayu, which walked past them. She was terrified of the night and she couldn’t stop shaking because of it. [color=lightgreen]“Heather… It is happening again,”[/color] Patricia said. She had a tone of being utterly terrified of past events. She put her hands in a cupped close to her chest and she was having a panic attack in the middle of the tavern. Heather heard her name from her friend and turned around to her. [color=lightpink]“What’s wrong Patricia?”[/color] Heather asked. She noticed her having a panic attack right in front of her now and her eyes were of worry now. [color=lightpink]”Crap… Why are you having this now of all times?”[/color] Heather asked. Heather was worried much more now. Patricia fell to her knees crying and heavy breathing. She fainted but one thing that happens because of this, the light in the room makes her rainbow draconian wings make a rainbow on one of the walls. She was completely out of it. Heather saw this and was lost for words. [color=lightpink]”Heather Saya Flowerdancer think, what did your mother tell you?”[/color] Heather asked herself. She tried to reassure herself to not do the same thing her friend literally did just a few moments ago. She had an idea, she picked up her friend gently enough and put her at a table. She sat really close to her at the same table. [color=lightpink]”Ancestors give me strength,”[/color] Heather said worriedly. She tried to calm herself down but she remembered the kind gentlemen who are giving out free drinks because of his wealth. [color=lightpink]”Bar Lady can I have something strong please,”[/color] Heather raised her voice towards the Bar Lady. She needed something alcoholic to not do something similar that Patricia did. She had a deep sigh of some kind of regret of what is going on. She held her hands together and started to pray to her ancestors. [@Rai]