Shanna eyed her gifts and treasures, also snickering to herself as she held a gold necklace. She didn't need something flashy for when she goes out but her image as a 'lady' ushered her to keep it. AT least maybe one day, she'll have a chance to wear it. She didn't need the other things offered to her, so the others that she didn't need to use will be straight to her purse. The question is; how will she carry it all? She would certainly need a helping hand. She heard the crashes of the nearby mini waterfalls and decided to find it, acknowledging it was for her personal bath, she shrugged it off. She decided to take a look around since she still have time before going into the bar that she passed by. She passed by the servers who was outside the door and told them to shoo away and that she'll be taking a bath later and will just linger around the sparkly spa. Upon entry, she was embraced by the mist of the said bath, engulfed at the flowery aroma and the relaxing atmosphere that was surrounding her. Her lips curled upwards. The place seems a bit foggy, which is quite right because she felt this should help hide her and keep her privacy. Then she heard something, at the edge of the bath, sitting on a stone, an angelic voice taking form of a blurry angelic body, the form being distorted and rebuilt by the mist that was surrounding them, the form was far, but the voice was like a whisper right through her ear. [i]'We will need your help'?[/i] She asked herself as she repeated the woman's words. [color=lightcoral][i]'Why?'[/i][/color] She asked back, testing if the woman (the mist rather take form of curves for a body) heard her. [i]'As a seraphim, it is your duty..'[/i]. The womanly voice told her again, confused, Shanna waited for a continuous answer of the earlier question. Why would she need her help? [@Rai]