[quote=@Pilatus] Posted. Just so we're all on the same page. Here are a couple observations which may lead to continuity issues if we don't stay consistent: There are presently (2) mentioned runways. 1. Improved Dirt Strip. 2. One fresh Concrete strip. Are there any more firm details about the Expeditionary base that need to be fleshed out? What's the current season? From what I've seen so far it looks like it's fairly warm early in the day. Maybe Avalon is in a form of late Spring or early Summer? Maybe it gets hotter/colder from here? Random thoughts. It's late here. [/quote] I like the details you've fleshed out so far for the base, they're in line with my mental picture. I figured it's as has been mentioned in the IC so far: - quite new, as it's only about 6-8 months old - mainly air-oriented, but more ground forces are arriving. - there are hangars and aircraft shelters, they would probably be fairly modern types as they are recently built. - there are barracks blocks, but they, like most of everything else, are probably fairly temporary-looking/feeling at the moment - there's probably not much in the way of places to spend money, etc. as the base is still quite new, but the town that popped up 'outside the wire' is probably where we (and everyone else) does all their socialising and relaxing. I would agree with the season being early summer, that was what I'd had in mind when I wrote my post. Maybe an interesting twist would be that the seasons don't quite match up between Earth and Avalon, so it could be winter back home? That sounds like one of those bits of trivia that adds some depth.