The constant back-and-forth of the Knights and the newly arrived lordling and his train of followers presented Tanda with a bit of a conundrum. While she was still hoping to report to someone in authority and make the claim for her great grandmother's suit of armor, these things would have to wait until this more important business of cultists and bandits was taken care of. High ranking knights were coming and going to talk with these travelers, so she made a decision to invest herself in the situation and help out the Rose Knights as best she could. Dressed as she was in peasant's traveling clothes from the north, and not in any fancy doublet or warrior's garb, Tanda could just as easily blend in with the few servants she witnessed coming and going across the compound. She left her pack and walking stick propped against one of the tables and headed to a servant's window to the kitchen. "Wine please," she said. "And make sure it's cool to drink. And a tray of cheese and sliced apples." The kitchen staff had a tray at the ready within minutes, only for Tanda to approach an entirely new scene while she carried the drink and victuals with both hands. One of the newcomers had just been subjected to... a jolly assault? And now there was a reunion of sorts? "M'lord," she said, setting the tray down on the table. Her appearance was fine- a muscled young woman in servant's garb. It was the smell which she knew she couldn't hide. Weeks on the road with only one proper bath at a wayside inn left her stinking of sweat (and probably worse) but she was prepared for immediate dismissal. [i]In wine, man finds truth,[/i] the Green Priests would say. Hopefully the nobles would be happy to take a drink, or five, and the rest of their tale (if there was more to it) would follow. [@ghastlyInc]