[@Xandrya][@PlatinumSkink][@Tickout] Arex groaned as he rubbed his head and replied. "I don't even want to be in my own head right now let alone have someone else in there too." He pauses to grit his teeth in pain. "But my earlier offer still stands." He quickly adds with a taunting smirk. Brash humour aside he hoped to detour any further questions on the topic. His visit to the med bay didn't last too much longer. He avoided any further conversation and left feeling worse off than when he had arrived. The rest of the repairs on his severed arm he could sort out in his own time. Arex got what he needed from Maxi without killing him and now had other matters to attend. Where he not in such bad shape or a rush he might have caused more trouble before leaving. There would always be future opportunities. A short moment later Arex found himself leaning heavily against the doorway to Amy's room for support as he banged against it calling for her attention.