[@13org] You insist the situation is solved by you going away not doing things and I've told you that I'm insisting on this because that was never the point at all. You don't have to be left out, your character can do things. Me and others have given you ways to still do the exact same things you wanted to do. The exact same things you wrote, just in a way that fits what your character can do and leaves room for other people to do their own things in a sensical manner and order. I don't know how much clearer that can be. Everyone is cool with you doing things and no one's telling you not to post. At most, we're telling you to give others the chance to post when it makes sense for them to do so. You are actively choosing to feel upset about a non-issue here. We're asking you to come out and play, just following the same rules as everyone else, and you're choosing not to.