[@Juicy] Certainly an interesting concept. Can't wait to see what it has in store. [quote=@t2wave] On a slightly different note, civilization tends to quantify things such as age and time. And that does not necessarily need to be by a planet's cycle. There is bound to be a method by which an "age" can be derived. For instance you mentioned that Zor is female on a leap year. While not a well defined time frame that would be something rather specific to the species biological clock and could be used to define something like age. While not in something like Earth years, it would be a way to define how long an individual has been alive. Not that there needs to be per se. Some cultures you simply exist. But I would think that one that is space faring has to have a solid understanding of mathematics and the passage of time in order to travel anywhere. [/quote] That's actually true. You need solid mathematics and literally the mind of Rocket Science for precise calculations and basically for anything space related or tech like hovercrafts, for black holes, etc. However... this is an alien civilization. Aliens could have some sort of way in precieving technology that we humans can not understand. It sounds crazy, but thats just because we were never used to it. [quote=@t2wave] It's also likely that the space community at large has developed a more universal method of telling time. Since each culture would probably be using many methods that are difficult to convert between one another. Such collaboration would be of benefit to trade, negotiation, and many other interactions. [/quote] Well that's true. Again mathematics and time "Planet-Zones" may be of effect, but in this universe thankfully, going at lightspeed is a thing (may or may not be scientifically plausible, but this is added in for practicallity). But time wise Im not going to go tooooo indepth into that. It's always MONSTER 'OCLOCK BOYS!