[hr][center][h2][color=f26522]Brock Van de Vate[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Oh god. Yeah, he [i]definitely[/i] needed to see someone about the almost quarter pound of metal that just smashed his groin. Brock rolled over and retched again, this time with a string of stomach acid and phlegm dripping onto the ground. Not cool, kid. Not. Cool. The nausea wasn't about to go away for at least another ten minutes, so he stayed on the ground a bit longer. Or he wanted to. The sight of the red-haired girl who'd gotten dropkicked by Dumbass McPirate earlier coming at him brought him to his senses, though. Mostly. A surge of adrenaline told him he needed to [i]get out of the way [b]now[/b][/i], and his legs, with some difficulty, obeyed. He scrambled out of the way and tried to stand up again. What the hell kind of bitch would try to whack a guy while he's down? The rules didn't matter anymore -- he had a clear-cut reason to defend himself now, and he tried to retaliate by throwing a punch towards Akiko. He missed completely. Nausea, dizziness, and fighting don't mix very well, apparently. A moment later he remembered to start charging up again, and he began to leech the heat out of the surrounding air, with scattered bursts of weak heat escaping with each fresh wave of pain. Brock's dull glow was flickering like a bad lightbulb. [@tipssyCalibrator][@Dblade26][@Zero Hex] [hr][center][h2][color=92278f]Daler Ghumman[/color][/h2][/center][hr] [color=92278f]"Actually, I offered him the chance to get out of one detention if he brought me some tea. You weren't too far off, though!"[/color], Daler said, with a sly smile. The tea was simple Earl Grey with extra bergamot oil, and seemed to be prepared well enough. The boy had steeped the tea a little bit too long, but otherwise was right on the money. He said as much. [color=92278f]"Just Earl Grey with doubled bergamot. I usually prepare my own blends, but I can't do that when I'm not in my office."[/color] [color=92278f]"I think you're right about them. They're very calm for what's happening right now, and they feel like the sorts of students I think you would enjoy having, at least for one class slot."[/color] Of course, the pleasant side of the conversation was cut short by a shuriken to Brock's groin. Daler had known it was coming, given Musashi's thoughts at the moment, but it didn't make the impact look any less painful. On top of that, Akiko was charging in to deal the knockout blow, which Daler wasn't entirely sure was within the ruleset. This looked like trouble, and thankfully Meilin was already readying herself to act on it. [color=92278f]"Go stop them before this gets out of hand. It isn't going to go well otherwise."[/color] [@13org]