[hr][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QDRaQkR.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] It had been a very long, very sleepless night for Zara. Once she had steadied herself enough to bring herself to her feet, she trudged along the wall until she was once again in front of Felix's door. She could barely feel the turning of the knob, her feet sliding across his bedroom floor, before she landed face first onto his bed. There she stayed for what felt like an eternity- though was truly only for several hours. She had hoped for a deep enough sleep to ease her troubled mind- she was clearly fresh out of good luck in that department. As her body eventually gave way to exhaustion, the dreams and thoughts of the others clashed with her own. She could see Felix being trapped; could feel the torment and anguish from each member who tried, and failed, to rescue him; could feel the guilt building in Isadora and Athos. It was all Zara could do to not scream. When the sunlight started to peek it's way into the room, bloodshot eyes stared back at it. The woman drew a long, shaky breath from deep within her chest before pulling herself up off the bed. Dragging her feet over to the bathroom, she stared at her reflection; definite blood shot eyes surrounded by the puffiness of shed tears, strands of purple in every direction, and a sallow complexion to match. In all, Zara was quite the looker at this particular moment. With a small snort, she made her way into his shower, scrubbing away the night before. She then dressed in a pair of Felix's sweat pants and a black undershirt. It was slightly baggy on her slender frame, but she didn't care. Everything smelled of Felix and it brought her a sliver of comfort. Her stomach soon rumbled, with much surprise. She usually didn't eat when she was upset- her body mostly shut down whenever her nerves were overloaded. However, she couldn't quite remember the last time she had actually consumed anything nutritious: off to the kitchen she went. As she sauntered along, she allowed her mind to go completely blank. There wasn't a single thought she wanted in her head, hers or anyone else's. As she made her way to the kitchen, she blinked and stared at the overly large arachnid on the kitchen counter. Thinking she was definitely hallucinating thanks to her clear head, she snorted and watched it. [color=teal]"Heyyyy itsy bitsy spider...You're a long ways away from the water spout."[/color]