[@Sohtem][@Rai][@Vesuvius00] Soron nodded to Serena in response to her asking him to stop antagonizing her sister, Ava. But internally he chuckled, knowing what he had done. Sometimes those with big mouths had to be taught how to respect their elders. Plus Soron had been itching for a spare or fight for sometime. It was a way for Soron to release some pent up anger and frustration when dealing with Suleykaar. Ava raised her blade to him, calling him out for a challenge. He looked over to her older sister, who warned her twice before giving in, to which his gaze slowly moved over to Ava's own, a smirk starting to form. He got his wish. Soron pushed his chair back and slowly rose, his head cocked slightly to the side as his golden slit eyes bore into Ava's soul. [color=slategray]"[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Bg2ok9Rp8]Be careful what you wish for mal vahdim[/url], or you will get exactly that."[/color] His tone held a bit of an icy edge and a sinister underlying threat. She had challenged a legend in his own right and for this she would learn. But something inside her reminded him of himself when he was younger and running under the guidance of Sureyia. Though he was cautious, he was cocky, short tempered and somewhat suicidal. Then again, many within the Sureyia had to be if willing to go up against feral dragons. As he began walking away, he glanced over at Serena, giving her a knowing look that represented he wouldn't go easily on her before he glanced back up to Suley. [color=slategray]"Zeymah!"[/color] [hr] [color=9e0b0f]I promise you euphoria you have never felt before. Dragons are known to be well...packaged, if one were to say and if you think my mouth is only good for smooth talk and seduction you would be unfortunately mistaken. I've been around for years my dear. You learn a thing or two from the opposite sex, and other species."[/color] His smirk returned to a grin as he sat back up and winked at Velai before going for a sip of his drink to which he was halted when Soron called to him. He glanced over. [color=9e0b0f]"Hin tinvaak dovah fahdon?"[/color] He quirked a brow as Soron stopped next to him and tapped his shoulder twice. [color=slategray]"Zu'u grah pahlok. Faah vahdin dovahkiin."[/color] Suleykaar looked at him for a moment before averting his eyes to the two at the table, specifically the hybrid and grinned. The dragon turned his head towards Soron but kept his curious gaze on the two, glancing only at Soron for a brief moment. Leaning in he spoke low, despite it being in his ancient dead language. [color=9e0b0f]"Nos vahzah, nos -"[/color] [color=slategray]"I know how to fight Suleykaar. I didn't earn Dragonbane for no reason."[/color] [color=9e0b0f]"Just be careful. Least we deal with a death on our hands or worse."[/color] Soron stared at him for a moment before shaking his head and made for the door. Before he left he turned around and called out to them. Suley, in all of his genius stood up and cleared his throat before addressing those in the bar. If there would be one thing Sulley had been able to prove so far, it's that he was good at getting the attention of those he was near, and a way to earn a quick buck. [color=9e0b0f]"May I have your attention everyone! It gives me great honor to offer you not only free drink and meal on behave of me, but a bit of entertainment! Now, my dear patrons of the Rest Easy, tonight we will have a special event. My dear friend Soron Dragonbane, Slayer of the Basille Basilisk and former dragonslayer, has been issued a challenge by one of your own. I encourage you to come join us outside for this event and when it is over, a second round of drink and dessert will be added to tonight's event. Consider this all to be a special gift on behalf of Velai-"[/color] He gestured towards her. [color=9e0b0f]"And the staff of the Rest Easy! Please be sure to tip those who served you graciously for allowing this night to end on a splendid note!"[/color] He offered a small clap of the hands before gesturing those to come join them outside. Halfway through, he also decided to bring up another idea. [color=9e0b0f]"Also, I should mention that there will be betting on the two so you will have a chance to win some extra coin in your pocket."[/color] And with that, Suley had gotten to work with helping the staff, giving Velai a sly smirk. [hr] As Soron stepped outside, his eyes seemed to glow a low gold as the remaining light reflected off of them. He felt as the cool night winds gently lifted his flowing white hair. His stubble that ran along his jawline and over his mouth protected his skin from the light chill. Closing his eyes he inhaled and felt the ground around him. He moved he slid his foot along the ground, listening to it, feeling the texture of it. He crack his neck both ways...Exhale. His gaze turned to the mountains in the distance as the ever descending sun reminded those of Vrondi of the coming night. Night...The wind...It was like that night...Impending death...So long ago but quite fresh in the mind. [hr] [I]Outside the mouth of the abysmal cavern he waited. The breeze blowing against his silver locks as his golden eyes looked towards the impending death. The faint drip from a stalactite fell from its stone roof and onto a puddle of water pooled somewhere near the opening but left an echo that ran through the tunnels. Then he heard it, hissing doom from inside the darkness, deep purple eyes glistened against the thin moonlight that reflected into the cavern. Its tongue flickering out towards him, sensing his presence. Soron's eyes narrowed as he made himself known, his blade already in hand. It scaled beast too, made its presence known as it slithered out to greet its next meal. From what Soron could tell, it was smiling knowingly, as if to tell him it knew what atrocities it committed that night, whose life it took. Soron could feel the anger swelling, like a dragon ready to breathe fire onto its enemies. The basilisk feinted a strike as it lashed out in predatory instinct, but Soron failed to yield to its show of dominance. Instead, he too bared his fangs as his face contorted into rage. Soron lowered his stance as he brought his blade back and above him, its point towards the face of the basilisk. His other hand was raised as well, his palm facing the great beast of Basille. [color=slategray]"You killed my friends, my family, love...You will be showed no mercy beast as this will be the night that ends your pathetic existence."[/color] It seemed to understand him as it roared back at him. The wind seemed to pick up as the climax of the confrontation drew near. Circling would only last for so long before it was time to strike. The winds calmed and it became quiet. For a moment he could hear his heartbeat and the sound of his own breath. Time seemed to stand still as their movements stopped. The beast coiled back, ready to strike and Soron was ready to defend. .......The drake's screech in the distance cut the silence as they bore down on each other....[/I] [hr] Soron had slowed his breathing before he brought his short sword around to his side and unsheathed it, a perfect draw as he turned around a faced Ava. He shifted his weight and lowered down into the stance he held when fighting the basilisk, the one that he had used as a Sureyia, one that could combine rune magic and melee into one deadly marriage of destruction. He was like the basilisk, loose and yet coiled, ready to strike or defend at a moments notice. His eyes held this aggressive serenity in it, one that only those who have experienced battle would know. One who had seen death and had dealt it as well.