[hider=Annabelle][color=c4df9b]Name: [/color]Annabelle Goldsmith, may be called Yoshifushi, or less frequently, Hototogisu for those familiar with her Heroic Persona. [color=c4df9b]Appearance:[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jLqhpka.png[/img] [color=c4df9b]Description:[/color] She is about 164cm tall, with around 56kg in weight. While she remains lithe and small in frame, her muscles are well defined, not to the point of body builders with bulging muscles, but more the well toned and softer looking muscles of those with a rigorous life. Has dark hair framing her green eyes, softening her usual stern gaze somewhat, though she does smile from time to time. Favours loose fitting blouses with long skirts as her usual wear. [color=c4df9b]Gender: [/color]Female [color=c4df9b]Age: [/color]24 [color=c4df9b]Nationality:[/color] British [color=c4df9b]Heroic Persona:[/color] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashikaga_Yoshiteru]Ashikaga Yoshiteru[/url] - One who was called the Kengo Shogun for his skill in the sword, he was also a great governor and one of the greater shoguns to have ruled. His most famous feat however, was his last stand in Nijo Castle. Beset by an army and with only a few men at his side, he prepared to fight a losing battle. His allies were too far to come to him in any timely fashion, and thus he took his sword collection and stuck them all around the castle floor. As the enemy inevitably breaks into his castle, he did battle with them and killed many, discarding his sword as they broke from the stress, and picking up another he had stuck in the floor. Ultimately, he fell, overwhelmed by sheer number and his last priceless sword breaking. [color=c4df9b]Heroic Abilities:[/color] He grants the ability to summon armor in the samurai style, a yari, a naginata, swords of all kind as long as its origins are Japanese, and a bow. In other words, only armaments a samurai would and could use can be summoned. Beyond that, he grants his own knowledge to her, including his considerable knowledge on swords and sword skills. Weapon of choice is, of course, the sword. [color=c4df9b]History:[/color] She had lived before as a teacher, a normal one teaching in an Italian middle school before the monsters came. Afterwards, Annabelle took up the sword when they crashed into the school, eating and killing many she was familiar with. There was the option of going with the survivors to teach in another city, but that felt like cheating to her. It felt like cowardice to just turn her back on those who died and continue on teaching somewhere else like nothing had ever happened. Annabelle was not particularly skilled in warfare, nor particularly gifted beyond her fitness, but she managed to join up with a band of people giving out their protection for travelers, particularly those that need to travel on foot. While there was a few people in that band willing to lend her a sword or spear, eventually she bought her equipment herself, from all the money she made while travelling with them. A simple sword, gambeson and chainmail, a simple fare for any warrior, but still preferable to being unarmored and unarmed. One day however, she and her group traveled into Carcassonne looking for work in a safe haven. Always someone willing to pay for a journey on land after all. However, before they and their client can go, monsters attacked the city, overwhelming even the soldiers there. Her own comrades were no exception, fighting until the last man. There was no negotiation after all; you fight, or you die. Their bodies was soon strewn everywhere, their weapons either scattered around or stuck here and there on the ground. It was then that a poem suddenly rushed through her head, with visions of a burning room filled with swords flickering in and out, as if it were brought to her by a dying light. A sudden surge of strength seemed to fill her, as Annabelle steeled herself for death. With fighting skills materializing as suddenly as the samurai armor that appeared on her, she fought like a madman possessed. Fortunately for her, reinforcements did come before she was overwhelmed, unlike her Heroic Persona's legend. [/hider]