[quote=@Vordak] tl;dr, the gist of my concerns is that with the all-inclusiveness presented in the schedule system, one would have to be equally all-inclusive with their defensive capability, lest they want to be steamrolled out the gates by an un-reactable attack that they didn't have the appropriate innate defense against.[/quote] That is the nature of roleplaying combat from the get-go. You aren't really allowed the ability to counter everything without someone calling you a godmodder/powergamer nor should you know everything that is coming to you from your opponent or you're a metagamer. That's specifically how this game was designed outside of a few places or a power-scale set. [quote=@Vordak]Ironically, this means that while one is free from the pressure of rigidly defined character regulations, it is merely exchanged for the ambigious, unpredictable threat of their opposition's capabilities - which also carries the rather severe reprecussion of competetive unviability should the player fail to take everything into account.[/quote] Yeah that's called disparity and it has existed since I started this. I wouldn't exactly say ambiguous though unless you mean random chance of encountering a hazard you aren't/can't prepare for. You can't account for everything otherwise you wouldn't be entirely competitive nor viable. The scheduling system actually supplants the original b/r because there was a metric ton of rules, bans, and regulations that sandbag anything not gunner/rush. [quote=@Vordak]I strongly belive that the competition should be focused within the fight itself, without being defined to such a great degree by the character matchup itself, especially in a competetive enviroment. Nobody should be thrown into an immediately uphill battle when participating in a tournament.[/quote] What does any of that actually mean? [quote=@Vordak] EDIT: i don't mean to say that every possible attack should be capable of being dodged or blocked by a baseline, minimally versatile character of the appropriate tier; but i do insist that the exception to the rule should be in the minority and have appropriately weighed damage or effects. [/quote] Essentially that's what you said above. In fact, this system encourages more versatility than the current because dimensional powers, a former banned power, can resurface. I don't truly get what you mean since your premise is contradicting itself. Can you clarify? -------------- UPDATE IMPORTANT READ NOW! I spoke to some of the players and they voted to move the Preliminaries to MAY 1st. So the sign ups will be extended for 2 weeks.. which is good for me!