Ava cocked a grin when Soron accepted her challenge, though she was a little nervous, she was also excited, she hadn’t faced anyone other than her sister, so she didn’t know how this was going to play out, but she was determined to win, no matter what. [color=crimson]“Don’t worry, I won’t make you grovel too much when I beat you,”[/color] she retorted back, not dropping her grin for a second. Serena caught the glance thrown at her, knowing by it that he wouldn’t hold back, she gave an equally meaningful glance back that said she wouldn’t allow him to kill her sister and would step in if he tried to push it that far. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t worried about Ava’s safety, she knew that their sparring all these years made her capable, but she could just feel that Soron might be too strong for her, still, her sister was grown and could make her own decisions, that didn’t mean Serena wouldn’t worry over her however. Ava quirked a brow when he went Soron when over to his companion, unsure of what they were discussing, but it didn’t matter to her, she was going to be sure that she won and apologized to them. She had been surprised when his friend however announced to the bar about the fight that was going to ensue, she hadn’t exactly planned on this being a spectacle, but it probably would’ve turned out that way regardless, oh well, at least it would provide the town with some entertainment, so she didn’t really seem the harm in that. Finally when that was all said and done, Ava followed Soron outside, casually resting her scythe on her shoulder, clearly confident that she’d be the victor. [color=palegoldenrod]“Listen, be careful with him, I have a feeling he’s quite experienced. Be tactical with your attacks, don’t waste any unnecessary energy, it’s clear that he won’t go easy on you, so you have to be on guard at all times, understood?”[/color] Serena spoke to her sister before the fight got started. [color=crimson]“Yeah, I know...”[/color] Ava responded, pausing as she thought about the fight earlier that day with her sister, how her attacks were avoided easily and how she had reached her limit so soon, [color=crimson]“I’ll make sure to think my moves through carefully, you have my word,”[/color] Ava added before making her way to the main area of town where the two would fight. Serena had thought about using her magic to try and assist Ava, perhaps level the playing field, but she knew in a real fight that wouldn’t always be possible and Ava would need to rely on her own abilities and overcome her own weaknesses, no she’d have to do this all on her own. Ava prepared herself, getting into a low fighting stance as she stared down Soron, her blade eagerly pointed at her target. She quirked a brow when his gaze turned to the mountains, she didn’t know what he was doing but she was going to take this slow at first, rather than jumping head first into it with him being distracted like she normally would’ve done. When he unsheated his sword and brought his gaze back to Ava, it struck her a bit, it was aggressive and yet had a resolve to it. She shifted her footing in the dirt, slight hesitation but she wouldn’t let it impede her, digging into the ground with her left foot, she launched herself towards her opponent, using her wings to help her glide and keep her movements fast. When she was in range of Soron, she swung her scythe in an uppercut motion, figuring he’d be expecting it to come from above him or to his sides, she could only hope she was tactful enough to land the first hit. [@FallenTrinity]