Zeke had never been too adverse to enjoying other people's misfortunes and his awful, awful day had only made him all the more open to watching a kid beaning some glowing guy on the junk with whatever he was throwing. Yeah, this kid was pretty okay. They were gonna have to have a talk about sharp things though. All that, however, would have to wait and now it was time to get serious. At least that was what every fiber of his body was telling him. He had been keeping a very close, very trained eye on Brock, he knew before that getting too close to him was probably bad news in some way and now he knew something was up. It wasn't any conscious knowledge of what was happening, because Ezekiel still hadn't quite wrapped his head around powers and he had no idea how Brock's functioned. To him it simply felt like every time he fought. Maai, the distance of engagement, the angles of attack. It was like understanding that a punch or a kick or the stroke of a weapon was coming, where it was aimed at and how it'd reach that target. He had no idea this was his power, an extension of his dedication to the martial arts. He just knew that this was dangerous and he had to act, that there was no time to even scream at that other girl to leave the guy alone. The thing about seeing an attack coming and understanding, on some level, where and how it'll hit you relating to your own ability to dodge it, is that it makes it much easier to react appropiately. You seem much faster than you are because you're not reacting once it's already happened, you're removing that split second lag that favors the attacker. And Zeke moved decisively, without hesitation. Before the heat beam reached the group he already had his arms around Musashi and Rumi. Before it had a chance to hit them he'd already dived with all his might and dragged them out of the way, throwing himself and the kids down to the ground away from the danger. He felt the heat nearby, and only when he knew the danger had more or less passed he raised his head to look at where the group had been standing, near the flag. The pole looked a bit dryer but that was about it. Well. That had been an overreaction, then. Letting go of the other two, Zeke turned around, sat up, and screamed to no one in particular: "Hah, that was it?! No, wait, what the fuck was that?!". [@Azereiah][@Dblade26][@CondorTalon]