[center][b]P E R S O N N E L L O G[/b][/center] [url=http://img01.deviantart.net/2d6a/i/2010/174/5/4/hugh_laurie___sepia_portrait_by_vauxhaulastra.jpg]Captain Henry Burchill[/url]; - 50s, widowed - Responsible for entire station (both Prison and Home Bay). - Amiable | Fatherly | Selfless - Ryobi is friends with Captain Burchill. They have been to each other's BBQs in Home Bay. [url=http://pix.avaxnews.com/avaxnews/26/30/00003026_medium.jpeg]Officer Janetta Pryce[/url]; - Early 40s, single - Warden of the Prison - Strong-willed | Organized | Proud - Probably one of Ryobi's closest friends on the station. Pryce has been working there longer than Ito has. [url=http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9758/214445190.197/0_117db8_5af866a1_orig]Officer Edward Benton[/url]; - Mid 40s, married - Fellow officer - Pompous | Intelligent | Impulsive - Not the most liked by his coworkers, but people respect him highly. Same probably applies to Ryobi, although they've definitely shared a few beers together. [url=http://img12.deviantart.net/ca14/i/2013/284/9/c/marion_cotillard_by_nobodysghost-d267nj1.jpg]Dr. Ami Widmher[/url]; - Late 30s, single - Head doctor/responsible for all station patients - Even-tempered | Guarded | Perceptive - Ryobi and Ami are more of comfortable acquaintances than friends. They don't really see each other often. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c1/02/f3/c102f3d6d9215526722f31027f409338.jpg]Officer Kerwin Gris[/url] - Late 20s, single - Fellow officer (youngest) - Eager | Obedient | Ambitious - The puppy of the group. Liked by most for his enthusiasm to learn from elders. Ryobi thinks he's nice. [url=https://media1.giphy.com/media/hGhh1LoQ8viWA/200_s.gif]Officer Lucian Davis[/url] - Early 30s, married - Fellow officer - Clever | Cheerful | Humorous - Ryobi and Lucian are friendly. They are usually scheduled on the same shifts. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ea/28/f7/ea28f78369ff35ef8e869f12563afa47.jpg]Ris[/url] - Part of the line of bots programmed to be assistants to the officers of Prison Bay. They are quick, very physically strong, and calculate what their route of action should be based on circumstances, regardless of orders. - Ris and Ryobi have worked closely together since he's been at the Station. [hr] [center][b]P R I S O N E R L O G[/b][/center] [url=http://pre11.deviantart.net/782e/th/pre/i/2012/064/a/e/thomas_dekker_by_bclara88-d4rs33i.jpg]Timothy Ginhearst[/url] - Age 34 / Prisoner of 13 years - Arrested for repeated Rape + Murder - Profiled as slightly psychotic (due to abusive childhood) - Ryobi really hates this guy. Disgusting piece of shit in his eyes. Ginhearst likes to taunt with him whenever he walks by his cell. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/00/89/fe/0089fe13ef21ab4e74b3942381167968.jpg]Lillian Gardea[/url] - Age 29 / Prisoner of 8 years - Arrested for Grand Larceny + Arson - Profiled as a high level sociopath (promiscuous, perpetually lying) - Gardea has [s]probably[/s] tried to seduce Ryobi. [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BY2Y1YWZiNjgtMjFlYy00MGZjLTgwMGYtZmE1ZjY2ZmM0MTJjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_UY317_CR16,0,214,317_AL_.jpg]Samuel Carillo[/url] - Age 27 / Prisoner of 6 years - Arrested for Domestic Terrorism - Profiled as highly intelligent, mid-level sociopath - Ryobi and Carillo do not really interact. He keeps to himself. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/50/51/2a/50512ad2acf8ec3808e7baef55038638.jpg]Dawson "Big Daddy" Sterling[/url] - Age 45 / Prisoner of 12 years - Arrested for being involved in a Drug Mob + Murders - Profiled as a huge asshole with anger issues. - Big Daddy likes to start shit. He's tried to start shit with everyone and anyone, including Ryobi. They keep him in an electrical collar. [url=https://68.media.tumblr.com/c7fa46fae665fd7ca21dea7e78c8d645/tumblr_nfvdenWin41qhkrqgo1_500.png]Ariella "V" Sterling[/url] - Age 36 / Prisoner of 10 years - Arrested for heading Drug Mob + Murders - Profiled as schizophrenic, highly intelligent. - Ariella keeps to herself and her brother, unless she's throwing a fit at one of the officers. She's always watching with a weirdly intense stare. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/83/4e/36/834e36b5a45c3f361cb1c374ef3f15c8.jpg]Michio Fukuda[/url] - Age 33 / Prisoner of 13 years - Arrested for auto theft + embezzlement - Profiled as sane, calculating and clever. - Fukuda is a proud peacock. He probably gets on It's nerves for trying to show off. [url=http://img2.hungertv.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/luomo-vogue_christoph-waltz_2011_m1_217-V2.jpg]Roderik Adler[/url] - Age 54 / Prisoner of 23 years - Arrested for treason + murder - Profiled as slightly obsessive-compulsive, highly intelligent. - Being the veteran of the group, Adler acts buddy-buddy with his guards. He doesn't rile or shout like the children. It's all cool.