[@Dblade26] 1- Maybe. But since he is fighting back anyone would easily dismiss it as a minor injury. 2- Again, he showed no reaction to it, until now. She doesn't know his background or personality so... 3- It could be considered impolite and rude, a mere intern to basically act like a teacher on a test that is already being supervised by another instructor. 4- Meilin is not a teacher. Not yet. She doesn't have the same benefits as the other instructors. 5- Meilin respects Daler a lot, but there are other things that affect her decision other than Daler's words. [quote=@Zero Hex] [@13org] Of course it is. But if you choose not to then you kinda, you know, don't have room to complain about feeling left out and not being able to do things like you were doing. Because you were given ample room to do so. [/quote] Again, that is my decision. Plus, have I already told you that your condescending tone really gets on my nerves? Edit: also, I have no idea on what to write. The reasons I had in mind for Meilin to step in are gone.